Chapter 4

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In a swift movement, Henry stepped forward and pulled the knife out of William's hand. "You've gotten slower."

William smirked. "Just better at diversions." He then ran out the door while Henry was still setting the knife down.

Michael glanced out the window as he ran out. Panic overtook his mind. He had to get his siblings out of here. He slid into the driver's seat and put the keys into the ignition.

"What are you doing?" Charlie asked frantically. "Michael, you don't know how to drive!"

Michael muttered something about a 'learner's permit' and 'watching Uncle Henry drive a lot' and 'no time' as he pressed on the gas pedal.

Evan and Elizabeth both screeched. The former in terror, the latter in delight. Charlie tried to figure out a way to stop Michael when she noticed William getting into his own car, looking unbothered as the minivan shrunk into the distance. "Michael, this is a really bad idea."

"You're right. No time to follow the speed limit." Michael presses down harder on the gas pedal.

"No! That's not what I meant! Stop the car!"

"Can't. Have to get out of here."

"You can't drive!"

Michael glanced at the mirror to his left. "Too late now." William was approaching in his car.

"Why exactly is Michael driving like he's off the races?" Elizabeth suddenly asked. "You're not even on the right side of the road, Mikey!"

Michael ignored her and turned up the radio.

"She's right, Michael. You need to pull over," Charlie said harshly.

Michael swerved the car to the other side of the road and Evan shouted in surprise. "Better?" Michael asked with heavy sarcasm as he glanced at the backseat.

Charlie looked pissed at this point. "Michael for the love of God, KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE RO—"



The first thing Evan noticed was that he had an awful headache. It felt almost as though some monster had chomped down on his head. The second thing he noticed was that he was in a moving vehicle.

He blinked a few times before fully opening his eyes. This certainly wasn't the minivan he was used to. Oh right, Michael had crashed it. Michael who was directly in front of him. He glanced to his left and saw that Elizabeth was there too— wait, why did they have blood on them? Must be injuries from the car crash. Didn't look like anything serious though.

Charlie didn't seem to be around. Evan rubbed his eyes as he looked at the driver, his vision was still cloudy and his headache was only getting worse, but he could easily tell that whoever the driver was, they were not Uncle Henry.

Elizabeth stirred for a moment before waking up. From the grimace on her face and the way she rubbed her forehead, she probably had a headache too.

Michael was waking up as well. He touched his face near his eyes, seeming quite cautious, as though something was wrong. Something more than a headache.

"Good to see you three awake! I was a bit worried that at least one of you wouldn't wake up, which would've been horribly inconvenient." Michael's neck snapped towards William as he began talking, Evan noticed that his gaze was blurry, unfocused. William either didn't see or didn't care as he continued to talk. "I mean, really, I had to drive all this way, pull out my old lock-picking kit, chase you down in a car, heave your unconscious bodies into my car, and now I'm having to drive back! You wouldn't believe the weird looks a got when putting the three of you in the car. People would do well to mind their own business, let that be a lesson to you if you learn nothing else from me. Speaking of lessons and lack thereof, really, Michael, what good did you think it would do you to drive when you obviously don't know how? Didn't even use a turn signal once!"

"No no no no no no, this can't be happening..."  Michael muttered to himself.

"Where's Charlie?" Elizabeth said, ignoring Michael. "Are you really Dad? Why's your car purple? Why'd you kidnap us?"

Evan gave Elizabeth a horrified look. "Lizzie! Don't make him upset!" Evan whispered, only to be ignored as much as Michael.

William chuckled. "I did always love your curiosity, Elizabeth. Charlie doesn't matter, but to satisfy your curiosity I shall tell you that I left her at the site of the crash. Of course I'm your father! I must say I'm rather disappointed you don't remember me better, good thing I didn't wait any longer to bring you back. As for why my car is purple, it's a wonderful color. Something of my signature color. It's not a kidnapping if you're my children, which you are."

"We're Uncle Henry's kids now, he said so," Elizabeth protested, crossing her arms and causing even more stress to Michael and Evan with her stubbornness.

"Yes, well, Uncle Henry is stupid."

"Nuh-uh, he's really smart! Smarter than you are."

"Elizabeth, please stop," Evan said quietly.

"You should listen to your brother, Elizabeth. It would certainly be a shame if something... unfortunate happened to the three of you as a result of your questions. You know what they say, curiosity killed the cat!"

This shut Elizabeth up immediately. William hummed along to the radio as though this was the most normal thing. They continued like this, no one saying a word, for about an hour before William made a sharp turn into a parking lot. "Here we are!"

Evan looked up at the large sign. Circus Baby's
Entertainment and Rental. There was a clown girl holding a microphone as though logo. The character looked familiar, though he couldn't quite place why.

Elizabeth frowned up at the sign. "I remember her! She's my character!"

Evan then remembered where the clown was from. He should've guessed that it would be Circus Baby. He recalled that when the diner was first being built, he and his siblings would spend hours drawing different animatronic designs for their father. A few of them were used, though modified and without as many absurd additions. Evan had come up with a brown version of Fredbear, Michael had come up with Foxy, and Elizabeth had come up with Chica with help from her friend Susie.

There had been many other animatronic designs, Circus Baby, she could dance, she could sing, she could inflate balloons, she could sing any song that was requested, she could shoot confetti from her pigtails, she could dispense ice cream with lots and lots of sprinkles. Evan wondered if Circus Baby was a physical animatronic and if she had any of these characteristics.

"Indeed it is your character, I told you I treasured every single one of the ideas the three of you came up with, did I not?" William asked as he stopped the car and unbuckled. "Right then, everyone out. Come on, come on. We don't have all day."

Michael got out of the car slower than usual. Evan looked at him, concerned. "Are you okay?" Evan asked in a voice just above a whisper.

Michael glanced in the direction of Evan's voice, not seeming to realize he had moved after speaking. "Uhm..."

William waved a hand dismissively. "Temporary blindness, nothing serious and probably Henry's fault. You two make sure your brother doesn't run into anything. Just because it's a place for children doesn't mean we need a mess in the pizzeria. Let's go."

And so, the Afton family entered the new location.

AN: Midday Motorist(s).

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