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"Kun, you can start the live now if you want. Y/n will join us when he gets here." The manager sat back in her seat, having been told to watch over the live in case the couple starts getting a little too personal.

Kun nodded. "Alright, but can you make sure he comes in quiet so we can do a cool intro for him?"

With that, Kun leans forward, clicking the button to start the live. Comments started filling in, questions all about him and y/n being the only thing he could see.

[is it really true?]

"Hello." Kun waved his hands, a smile on his face as people started joining the live.


[so proud of you Kun!]

[I knew you and y/n had a thing😏]

Kun chuckles softly at the comments, reading through them without finding any that didn't have to do with his newly public relationship.

"I know you guys all want to know more about my post, and I'll try my best to answer the questions you guys have."

[how'd you ask y/n out?]

[are you comfortable sharing the sexuality you identify as?]

"Alright, so seems like you guys have a lot of questions." Kun chuckles, having a hard time keeping up. "How'd I ask y/n out? Umm, months of planning, and then forcing Yangyang to help me set up a picnic."


[Kinda funny but also aww wtf]

"Y/n cried. He cries a lot." Kun teased his boyfriend who was not even in the room yet.

[wait what's that behind you?]

[I never thought I would be giggling and twirling my hair over my idol talking about his boyfriend]

[Kun I'm so happy for you!]

"Boo!" Y/n jumped out from behind the couch which he had been sneaking up behind. His hands came down on Kun's shoulder quickly, startling the boy who may have let out a scream.

"What the heck, I told her to make you quiet so we could do a cool introduction." Kun pouted, holding onto Y/n's arm as he climbed over the back of the couch to sit next to him.

[wait everything is like 100x more cute because I would not even bat an eye at this before😭]


[y/n now that you're here expose how kun was being a meanie]

"Wait guys, has he told you what he did to me because he was scared of his feelings?" Y/n perks up after seeing one of the comments.


[he's said nothing so spill the tea]

[he just told us that you cry a lot]


"So when Kun and I first met he thought I was the most beautiful man alive." Y/n starts with a laugh. "Like it was to the point he couldn't look me in the eyes. And this feeling scared him a lot, and so he turned it into hatred and pretended like he wanted nothing to do with me. It wasn't until a couple days after we filmed an episode of weekly idol when he went sobbing to Yangyang because he realized how much of a jerk he was."

Kun scrunched his face up, turning towards his boyfriend. "I didn't go sobbing to Yangyang. I was sobbing and he came to me."

"Same thing."


[SM better give us date vlogs]

[lmao Yangyang is just always third wheeling]


mainly started this sequel because I refuse to write Kun into "words to go by" and so now I'm going through withdrawal lmao

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