Chapter XVI: The Battle of the Bay of Biscay

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Eleven years into Morgan's reign

Charles is a hard man to read, he always has been. Just in the background, never upfront. I promised to help him with defeating Brittany. Brittany has always been a curse, returning every now and then.

Just as France's economy is secure, Brittany attacks, bankrupting the country again. I hope to get to know Charles. He seems like a nice guy.

" I need a response sir", Dylan says standing in front of my desk. " Tell Charles yes, I'll have the navy ready for Operation Biscay", I say firmly as I flip through papers.

Dylan bows, " Yes Your Royal Majesty, come to Pembroke Dock by tomorrow", Dylan says, he walks down the hall. Mother knocks on the door and walks in, " How are you Morgan?", Mother asks.

" Tired but good, and you?", I ask after sitting down my papers. " Tired son, I feel myself getting older", Mother says after a laugh. " You're still young", I say with a smile.

" I'm Sixty-Six son, hardly young", Mother says as she sits down. " I remember the day you were born, I was Thirty-Four, you were so small", Mother says.

" I have to leave again. I'm commanding the Royal Navy", I inform Mother. " Don't son, you're going to get yourself killed", Mother says firmly. " I have to Mother, I made a promise", I say after standing up and grabbing the family sword off the wall.

I strap the sword to my waist. " Please son", Mother begs. " I'm sorry Mummy, I'll be back in a month", I say as I walk down the hall. I walk down the stairs.

" Father, where are you going?", William asks, standing by the door. " Pembroke Dock, no you cannot come", I answer. Anna and Joann walk to me, " I have to leave. I love you Anna, I love you Princess, and I love you William", I say after hugging all three of them.

I walk outside and get into the carriage. " John, to Pembroke Dock", I say as I settle in for a while.


I step out of the carriage, " John, watch over my family please", I say. " Yes sir", John says as he rides off. Four massive ships line the coast. I walk onto the deck, " Your Royal Majesty", Eric says after bowing.

" Thank you for commanding my fleet sir. You've been a great Captain", I say. " Thank you sir", Eric says. " Please, my friends call me Morgan", I say as we walk to the helm.

" Okay, we'll be in the Bay of Biscay in two weeks", Eric says. " Okay, I have overall control, but if you have any recommendations, please speak up", I say as I walk down the stairs and into the Captain's Cabin.

I sit down and pull out a pen and paper from my pocket. "Dear Family, I love you very much. I miss you, I decided to fight for Brittany and Swabia in one trip. I'll be back in two months".


One day ago we entered the Bay of Biscay. Charles has already launched his land invasion, we just need to bombard the coast. Charles will then float down the Loire River and meet me.

" Fleet spotted ahead", Eric yells. I get up and run onto the deck. A fleet of ten ships approach us. " Man the cannons", I scream at the top of my lungs.

Huge cannonballs rain into the ship, I run over to a cannon and aim it towards a ship. The ships shutters as I fall down, I quickly stand up and aim the cannon towards the hull. " Fire", I scream. We rain cannonballs onto the first Breton ship.

" Morgan, I need you", Eric screams. I quickly run up the stairs, Eric lies on the ground bleeding. " You're in control, For King and Country", Eric says after coughing up blood.

I grab the wheel and spin it towards the Breton fleet. " Aim the cannons", I yell as I swerve right, our cannons rain into the Breton fleet. " One of you come", I scream as I stay firm. A crew member runs to me.

" Stay firm", I scream as I run down the stairs and man a cannon. I light the cannon and aim it towards the hull. I can't believe I'm going to do this.

I climb onto the edge of the ship and jump onto the Breton ship. Fire rains down, my stomach slams into the side of their ship. I wince in pain and quickly pull myself up.

Soldiers run towards me, I grab my sword from my waist and swing at them. I run up the stairs and jump onto the Breton Captain. I slam my sword into him, his head spurts blood.

I get up and run down onto the deck. I climb onto the edge and jump back to our ship. I quickly grab the edge and pull myself up. I stand up and look into the horizon, Breton ships burn as rain falls into the boat.

" We did it men", I scream. The crew cheers. I strap my sword to my waist. " To Nantes", I scream as I walk up the stairs. I get on one knee and close Eric's eyes. He was a good man, and a good friend.

" Fly our sails at half mast", I say as I walk back downstairs and into the Captain's Cabin. I grab a towel and wipe the blood off my face. I can't believe we survived, I'll give Eric a noble burial.


" I see Nantes", a scout yells. I walk out of the cabin and onto the deck. Charles stands firmly with his army. " We bloody did it", I scream as I walk onto shore. Charles hugs me.

" Thank you brother, you fought hard, didn't you?", Charles says. " Yes, of course. I love you man", I say. " I love you too brother", Charles says rubbing my back.

" I'm sorry I cannot stay, I have to leave for Bavaria", I say as Charles rubs my back. " Thank you, for the kept promise", Charles says as he releases me. " I don't lie, see you soon Brother", I say as I walk back onto the ship.

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