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Doctor who- Captain Jack Harkness 

How you meet: 

Hanging onto the door handle flying in the air, the TARDIS kept swerving between buildings, loosing your grip you fall from the TARDIS, screaming your head off you felt arms wrap around you and then your feet were placed gently onto the ground, "Always glad to save a damsel in distress" 

Disney character he resembles: 

Jack resembles Robin Hood the most, his love for adventure and mischief is what you love the most about this man

The song you guys listen to: 

'Lose my mind' by Brett Eldredge 

"You make all my screws come loose, got me perfectly confused, always find a way to mess me up and drive me wild, I love the way you make me lose my mind" It describes how you make Jack feel when you are around him

Your Disney moment: 

"Always ready to help a damsel in distress" 

"I am not a damsel and I was certainly not in distress" 

What you wear on your first date: 

Hair: Soft long curls

Make up: Smokey eyes with pale pink lipstick 

Outfit: You wear a lace belly shirt top and the sleeves go 3/4 down your arm, a high waisted floral skirt and black toms

Where he takes you: To the Big Ben and you start to slow dance on the roof of the clock tower

Your nicnames: 

What you call him: MyCaptain, Jackyboy, Kitten

What he calls you: Birdie, Honey, Babygirl

How he asks you out: 

"You may have the Doctor, and you may be his companion, but one thing you don't have a Captain", you stare at him confused, realizing what he said you nod your head and kiss him

Phone contacts: 

In your phone; Kitten

In his phone: Birdie

He asks you to marry him: 

The ring is a small sapphire on a golden ban, Jack takes you to where you first met, he gets down on one knee "(Y/N), when i first met you, you were most defiantly a damsel in distress, and now since you found your prince are you ready to become a queen" you stand there in awe, nodding your head he picks you up and spins you around

The wedding: 

Ceremony: The ceremony is in Disneyland


Yours: I spent my whole life looking for a man, instead of him falling from the sky, I fell and he caught me

His: Even when I am with you, or when i am not around you, you will always be a damsel in distress, and I will always save you

The dress: You wear a princess style ballgown with a lacey over throw cardigan

The song: 'Take your time' by Sam Hunt

First fight: 

You guys don't really fight, you just get into sass arguments


You have a food fight

What they think of your relationship: 

9th Doctor: I have no idea, i thought she didn't like dating

10th Doctor: This is all wibbly wobby

11th Doctor: That is rubbish, i need to have a word with her

Rory: I am happy, its nice to see her happy

You find out your pregnant:  

"So a baby" 

"Yes Jack a baby" 

"I am going to be a father of a mini me"

"You can say that" You giggle kissing his nose

Baby names:

Girl: Rose or Tessa-Jay

Boy: Ezra or Charlie 

Baby is born: 

You have twins, a girl named Rose and a boy named Ezra, they were born on July 14th, 2010

How you sleep:

Jack always pulls you close into him, your head rests on his chest and your legs are always tangled together

Your child/children:

Rose looks and acts like you, her first words were "Doctor", your daughter is now 5 years old and loves to be by the Doctors side

Ezra looks like you but acts like his father, his first words were "pretty", your son is now 5 years old and loves to run around calling things pretty

DKM= Daddy Kid Moment "Excitement"

"Rose, Ezra hurry up, the Doctor and i may live forever but your mother doesn't" Jack  hurried your children to the Doctors side, the Doctor agreed to watch the kids while you and Jack have a day to yourselves away from the energetic 5 year olds

DKM= Daddy Kid Moment "First Day"

Like their father and their love for adventure and excitement, Rose and Ezra ran through the classroom door as fast as their little legs could carry them

DKM= Daddy Kid Moment "Birthday"

For Rose and Ezras 6th birthday, they have a petting zoo party where petting zoo animals come, their birthday cake was blue with zoo animals on it

DKM= Daddy Kid moment "Weird napping spots"

Where ever Rose is, Ezra is using her as a pillow, Rose and Ezra are always found in the TARDIS sleeping underneath the control system

DKM= Daddy Kid Moment "Favorite movie"

Rose loves Disney's Beauty and the Beast, Ezra loves Disney's the Aristocats

Your tattoo:

You have Rose and Ezras birth date underneath little hands on your shoulder, your kids mean the world to you

How he hugs you:

His hugs are always him running full speed to you, picking you up and spinning around, when he slows down he will pull you close to him and he kisses your nose

Your hidden talent:

Your hidden talent is being able to fix the electronics in the house, from a broken TV to Jacks time traveling device  

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