40. The question/Ruby Rider

Start from the beginning

"Relax, kiddo. This could be what she needs." Greg says, putting his hand on Steven's shoulder

"But, Dad! What if they never form Garnet again?! We gotta get them back together!"

"Woah... Tha-That's not our call to make! Ruby's gotta want that for herself! If that's not what Ruby wants, then it's not what Garnet wants, right?"

"Mmm... Ugh, I guess so..." Steven says as Ruby begins jumping up and down on the van in enthusiasm.

"So... Where are you going after this, dude? Are you just gonna stay out here?"

"I wanna live free! One with the wilderness! Facing danger in every turn! Not leaving nothing or nobody to get me by! Just like... this guy!". Ruby holds up a comic book titled "Dolphin Tail."

"What's a dolphin?" Turquoise asks, taking the comic

"Hmm. Do you mean... something like this?"Steven shows Ruby another comic called "Lonesome Lasso. "

Ruby jumps down from the van and takes the comic book

Ruby gasps. "That's even better! The open plains, that's where I wanna go!"

"May I see that?" Turquoise asks as Ruby hands him the comic

Turquoise skims the lonesome lasso comic, eventually stumbling across a page with the villain of the story "The Blue Bandit."

"I think I know just the place. I'll get ya there."

"Thank you!!" Ruby cartwheels away in excitement

"Alright, alright, if this is how it's gotta be. I'll support Ruby in her quest for emotional growth." Steven ponders

Ruby makes finger-guns atop Greg's van. "Yee-haw! Pa-pow, pa-pow! Bang bang bang! Woo-hoo!!"

Turquoise glows and changes his outfit into a cowboy themed outfit, taking inspiration from the comic

"What do you think?" Turquoise tips his hat

Greg drives Ruby, Turquoise, Steven, and Amethyst to an open outdoor range.

"Y'all ready to wild west it up?" Greg asks as Ruby kicks the back doors of the van open, revealing to be dressed like a cowboy, and jumps out. She pulls the Lonesome Lasso comic from under her hat and begins to read.

"Here I am, on the open range... At least you understand me, horsey."

"Horsey?" Turquoise looks at the page

"Oh, Ruby, you need a steed!" Steven says excitedly

"I'm always down for a little... horsin around." Amethyst grunts loudly as she begins to shapeshift into a horse and neighs proudly. Turquoise looks at the comic, then Amethyst, then the comic again

"Giddy-up."Ruby begins riding on Amethyst's back and treads into the open range, while Turquoise, Steven, and Greg follow behind.

"How's it goin', Ruby? Feel like a real cowboy now?" Greg asks

"Yep. I sure reckon I do."

STEVEN UNIVERSE - "the off colour" MALE GEMWhere stories live. Discover now