Chapter Two

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*drip *drip *drip

Alala's eyes flutter open to the sun's warm rays filtering through her makeshift tent flap, shielding her from the nature surrounding her and any prying eyes. Stretching her aching muscles, she gets up and repacks her duffel bag ensuring she has everything. Thereafter she's on her way to fill her water skin (the travel bottle from last chapter)-(I legit just googled it) and stock her little bag of food with edible berries and some of those figs she saw on her way.

As she's finally done packing up and setting foot back on the hoof trail, she freezes on the spot after a snap of a twig was heard several meters behind her. Hopping as stealthily as possible behind a huge tree, she peeks out from behind it to see who or what it was. The next thing she could hear were voices- mainly male. They appeared to be arguing about something. As she stared and listened intently at what they were saying- which to her seemed to be absolute gibberish- she realised that two of the six beings were wearing hoods over their faces even though it barely hid their identity- the only thing it did for one of them was catch in a low hanging twig causing the shorter one to squeak as she nearly fell backwards (cue internal laughter). This group was a whole mixture of beings clearly from different places. But most importantly she noticed they also appeared to be following the same hoof trail that she was. As she was stuck contemplating whether they would be good or bad, she -quite stupidly- forgot about their presence and failed to notice them noticing her, leaving her standing there like an idiot in plain sight.


She looks up and locks eyes with six pairs of eyes burning back into her. She flushes slightly. ' how could I be so careless??' she thought to herself. Hiding her dagger up her sleeve and picking up a nice big rock (look at that boulder, that is a nice boulder) and preparing to defend herself if anything were to happen.

"Woah easy there young las..", the man with green eyes and pitch black hair with grey streaks. "Are you lost, miss?", says a much taller fellow- he sounds much younger and more naive than Mr. Grey streaks over here. He also seems quite toned for a stick. The other four members watch tentatively as the old fart (he's really not that old) approaches Alala with caution, eyeing that big rock in her right hand.

A/N I will be back to edit this and continue and complete this chapter. (i'm talking to my non-existent readers) but I have to practice for maths oh my dizzy height :cccccc

LADY ALALATahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon