vii. stars and avatars

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Azuka sunk into her wide-foot stance again, bringing her fists up to her chin. As soon as the earth disc flew towards her, it was like time slowed down. She ducked beneath it, and used her foot to sweep an arc of flames towards Ayuz. He leapt back, then sent another disc her way, which she shattered with a fire punch. Azuka pushed herself off the ground just in time to dart towards Ayuz, and slide underneath him, tapping his leg. "Got you!"

"Hey!" Ayuz whirled on her, expression indignant. "No fair! You can't touch your opponents!"

Azuka wore a self-satisfied smirk as she stood. "But I just did. And I won!"

"That's not winning, that's not even close. You totally just cheated." Ayuz crossed his arms, glowering. "Besides, we're training, not playing games. The last match is tonight. Make it or break it. Can't you be serious?"

"That's funny, coming from you," she teased. His expression didn't change, so she held up her hands. "Alright, alright, I'll be serious. Jeez, I was just trying to lighten the mood."

"Once we win, we'll have all the time for fun we want," Kuruk pitched in from the corner of the room. He stood. "Ayuz is right. We need to focus. The Eel Hounds are going to be out for blood, and I don't want to lose because we were playing games instead of training."

"Chill out. We made it here, didn't we? We'll kick their ass."

Azuka didn't want to keep thinking about the last few days. Jin had recovered after two days and had made it very clear he was going to get revenge. The Finals had been rescheduled for tonight, in just... Spirits, a few hours. Time flew when you were trying to avoid it. She just had to make it through this then take the money, get a nicer place, go on vacation for a few months. Maybe she could have her parents come visit, or at least convince them to let her little sister visit.

But is it safe?

"Azuka. Hey. Stop zoning out like that." Kuruk waved his hand in front of her face, and the firebender blinked in surprise. "Are you overthinking again?"

She pushed his hand away, her lips turning down into a frown. "I'm fine. Why do the both of you keep asking me that?"

"Maybe because the Avatar's girlfriend is sponsoring us, and your family doesn't exactly have the best history with the Avatar?" Kuruk said.

Ayuz raised an eyebrow at her. "You don't have to pretend with us."

"I'm fine. You're right, let's get through this match and then I'll be completely at ease when I'm not having to watch my every step around her."

"Azuka, it was two generations ago. I don't think Korra would be holding a grudge-"

"No, but others do! I've told you this! So forgive me for not wanting to advertise who my grandmother is." It was her turn to glower. "I appreciate both of you being discreet about it, and not judging me, but not everyone is like you. Grandmother, she... she did some pretty awful things, and people tend to think my entire family is like that."

Azuka looked up she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Well, we know they aren't. Neither are you. You are pretty cool," Kuruk teased.

"Hey. Am I interrupting something?"

Her head turned so fast to the door, she felt her neck twinge, where the Avatar was smiling brightly at them.

"Avatar Korra?"

"Call me Korra, please. The whole Avatar title is so formal," she chuckled, stepping into the room and letting the door shut behind her. "I figured I could come train with you guys, if you need an extra hand?"

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