treebros: "science class"

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TW: dirty jokes?
category: fluff?

    One of the worst decisions was made. Connor Murphy and Evan Hansen sat together in science class. Their teacher was going on about animal reproduction or something and Evan and Connor would not stop laughing. It was physically impossible.

    Evan would TRY and focus but then Connor would say something snd then they'd both start laughing again.

    "And this is how a cow and another cow reproduce." The teacher had the most boring voice ever, and her face was straight and dead.

    "Hey Evan~.." Connor leaned in jokingly and smirked.

    "Connor shut up." He started laughing quietly and lightly punched Connor's arm.

    Connor backed up and frowned, crossing his arms. "You don't wanna fuck me, do you?" Connor added a baby-ish whine to his voice which made Evan laugh and blush.

    Blush because 1) Connor's joke about him having sex with him, and 2) Connor was acting like a child when he didn't get what he wanted.

    "C-Connor!" Both Evan and Connor were rocking back and forth in their chairs, laughing hysterically.

    Normally, at one if the two's house, they would be howling with laughter, but since they are at school—in class—they have to be silent when they have.

    "Ahem! Boys! Do I have to split you too?" All eyes were on them. Connor wiped his eyes from the tears of laughing too hard and too much.

    "N-No Ma'am." BOTH Connor and Evan were trying their best from bursting out laughing again.

    "Good." She turned back around to face the board and continue her lesson.

    Not even 2 minutes later, Connor and Evan were laughing again. Connor reached over to Evans notebook which had science notes and other doodles scribbled on.

    "What are you doing?" Evan whispered, dying down his laughter.

    "Hold on." Connor grabbed one of Evan's pencils and turned to face Evan so Evan couldn't see what he was doing.

    Evan took this chance to try and learn something. Evan would occasionally glance quickly at Connor to see if he was done.

    A few minutes passed, "I'm done." Connor could barely finish his sentence because he was laughing at his own drawing.

    Evan took his notebook back and scanned the paper. It had one stick figure at the top that said 'YOU' and another stick figure that said 'ME'. At the bottom was the same two figures kissing with the caption 'US?'.

    His face went bright red. He looked at Connor who had the biggest smirk plastered on his face.

    Connor puckered his lips, obnoxiously, and leaned forward. Evan backed away and pushed Connor, giggling.


    Connor sighed with a look of defeat as Evan flipped to the page with his notes. Connor's face lit up when he thought of something.

    "Wait, follow my cue." Connor said as he raised his hand. Evan looked confused.

    The teacher sighed, "Yes? Connor?" The annoyance in her voice was VERY present.

    "Can me and Evan go to the bathroom?" Evan looked a bit scared for his plan.

    The teacher rubbed her temples. "Why does both of you need to go?" Again, all of the classes eyes were on them. Some kids laughed at his question and others gave each other looks.

    "Uh... Because we are best bros!" Connor put his hands on his hips and gave the teacher a big cheeky smile.

    "No!- Ugh, you know what? Yes, yes you can." Connor stood up and grabbed Evan's arm, dragging him out of the classroom.

    "Miss, why did you let them go?" A random kid asked.

    "Because, if they leave then I wont wont have to deal with them. Now let's get back to the lesson." All the kids groaned.

    "They're probably gonna fu-"


. . .

    "Connor!" Connor finally got into the boys restroom and stopped running, still holding onto Evan's arm.

    "Connor why are we in here?-"

    Connor slammed his lips onto Evan's. Evan was shocked at first but then calmed down and returned the kiss.

    Connor let go of Evan's hands, moving his arms around his boyfriend's neck while they kissed. Evan wrapped his arms around Connor's torso, deepening the kiss.

    After a few moments, they both released, taking in breaths. The two looked at each other and started laughing.

    "So this is why you took me to the bathroom?" Connor nodded. "You couldn't have waited like, 30 minutes?"


    Evan shook his head playfully while smiling. "W-We should probably go back." Evan put his hands to his side, Connor did the same.


    They started walking to the door but Connor grabbed Evan's arm.

    "Wait. You should go first, then I'll follow. It'll be too suspicious if we walk out together."

     "Con, I think they are already suspicious." Evan smiled to himself.



    Evan took a deep breath and pushed the door open and stepped out, looking back at Connor who gave him a thumbs up. Evan smiled and continued walking back to class.

    His heart was racing and he finally got to the classroom. He paused before opening the door to make sure he wasn't blushing or had a face that would make it obvious he and Connor didn't go to the bathroom to pee (even though Evan knew everyone knew they weren't peeing)

    He opened the door and walked in, closing his eyes because he just knew everyone was looking at him. Evan hastily made his way to his desk, wondering when Connor would get there.

    Evan bounced his leg under the table, waiting for his boyfriend. Not even 30 seconds later, Connor walked in the classroom, very nonchalantly.

    Again, all eyes were on him when he sat next to Evan. He grabbed Evan's hand under the table and gently squeezed it, then started rubbing circles on his hand with his thumb.

The End <3

WORDS: 965

Don't ask about the lesson or anything the teacher is talking about😭 I just said some random shit. I hope this was cute cuz I really like it :3 and again, the words is counting the story itself, not including the A/N

also, there might be a few spelling or grammar mistakes as i dont proofread these that much

boyf riends & treebros one shots &lt;3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin