Part 1

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"You are cordially invited to the wedding of Mr. Zee Pruk Panich and ...."

That's all i could feel


Nunew's pov

I can't believe i came...
After all he put me through, after all the pain i still feel.
I'm a fool to believe that maybe, maybe there's a chance for him to go back, to regret this, to come to me and beg me to take him back... but everything crumbled when she entered the church, when i looked at his face and i saw happiness.
He was giving her the same look he used to gave me, that stare where you could literally see his heart.
After we parted ways I spent weeks thinking and trying to figure where did we go wrong.Everything was perfect at the beginning, we did everything together, we were planning a life for the both of us. What happened to us ?
I should have paid attention when i noticed he was being distant... that he wasn't his usual self.
I should have noticed the lack of touches and passion when we were together... I thought he was just tired with so much work.
Sometimes he would visit his parents and the following days will be full of him being gloom and on the days we met he will be doubtful and I often found him lost in his thoughts... I'm sure they're involved.

Then one fine day my heart shattered into pieces .
I remember it as if it was yesterday. He came to my apartment because he wanted to talk. We just sat in silence for a while and I was nervous as fuck because i could feel the tension.
He was looking at his hands and I was looking at him... like always.

He looked up and told me "nhu, we have to break up." I froze because from everything he could say I never expected that.
He told me that he was sorry, that he hoped one day I would forgive him that I should listen to him, that it was important for me to know the reasons. He spoke for a few minutes but I was so shocked that I only caught a few phrases like "We can't be together anymore" "this has to stop, it's not right". I couldn't believe what he was saying. I couldn't speak, he caught me off guard.
The final blow was him saying " I want to have a family nhu, i want kids... my own kids, you can't give me that"
How can i fight that?
He stood up from my couch and told me "I hope in the future you will understand that this is the best for us".Well, that didn't happened and i think it never will. I didn't understand shit.
And just like that i was on my own, living a nightmare blaming me for something i shouldn't.
He left... he destroyed me and just left.
He didn't even wait for my reply or care for what I had to say like I just have to deal with it and getting on with my life.
He moved on very quickly, like i was nothing, like i didn't exist.
I was the only one in love?
Little by little I came out of the dark place where he left me. I didn't try to contact him to save what little pride I had left, although I wanted to, I wanted to yell at him and demand explanations but I already knew who was going to lose more.
As if all the pain wasn't enough, he sent me an invitation to his wedding to reaffirm his decision and to make it clear to me that our relationship was a thing from the past.

I came back to the present and the ceremony was going fast... i was lost in my memories
They were saying their vows looking at each other's eyes with so much love that it hurts everything in me. I didn't notice before but i was crying in my spot behind a column. I don't want their pity or someone mocking me. I came to close this chapter in my life because after this i'm gone. When i heard "i do"
i closed my eyes sheding the last tears for him, for us. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes ready to leave but then i met a caring stare.
Max saw me, he was at the front of the place. I shook my head because i didn't want anyone else to notice me and he nodded.
I hurried to get out just wanting to leave. I made my way out and i was walking along the street when someone grabbed my arm.

...part 2 Next

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