Wichapas was relentless with his new discovery. He went back to sucking on Build's neck while his hands groped at his husband's chest.

"Ah!" Build cried. Bible's hands were rough and careless, they pinched and pulled without mercy. Build wriggled in his heat, his hips hopelessly thrusting against his husband's matching arousal.

Build let go of Wichapas' hair when his shirt was being pulled over his chest. Luckily his husband was quick, and had the thought of also removing his own shirt. Build only had the thought 0f running his hands over some of the skin that was revealed, barely able to look at the beautiful lines of Bible's muscles in his hurry. When their chests collided there was another set of moans that got caught between a sloppy kiss.

Build was incoherent. There were some words that were mumbled as mouths parted, but they were unintelligible. Wichapas went back to sucking Build's skin between his teeth, drawing a new trail that started on his husband's collarbone.

"Hmm?" Wichapas inquired, the sound was absent, distracted as he moved further down Build's chest.

"Good." It was the only word that made sense. The only word Build could utter about everything. He felt completely jumbled, wriggling in exasperation because Wichapas hands were an iron hold that held his hips onto the bed, minimizing the friction.

Wichapas had a reason to hold those hips down, because the moment he ran his tongue over Build's left nipple they were bucking and trashing. Build shuddered as Bible's mouth sucked; teeth nibbled at the tiny nub.

"Bible!" The strangled cry was a plea, and Build's knees bent, so the bottoms of his feet could rest on the mattress. It gave him more leverage to rut against Wichapas' stomach, breaking through the hold on his hips. The gurgling moan that escaped Bible denoted his pleasure, he eagerly moved to the other pink nub.

Build's entire essence was rattled by the act. It turned him into a feral version of himself, head thrashing back and forth. The ravishment of his nipples felt too good, the harder Wichapas pinched the more his brain short-circuited.

The embarrassment dissipated, lost to the euphoria and the oxytocin. Build was dripping at the tip, he could feel the wetness as he moved against Wichapas' warm hard body.

Build's moans quickly morphed into a raspy grunt, and the fist that was mingled in his husband's hair began to direct Wichapas. Build demanded more with that meticulous guidance. All Build wanted was more, the only option he was giving was compliance.

Wichapas' fingers finally hooked under the waistband of Build's pants, pulling the navy pajamas down. Build dangled his legs over the edge of the bed to make it easier to take the garment off.

Bible sucked and bit at the skin of Build's abdomen as he kneeled and discarded the thin fabric. His hands rushed to explode the newly exposed skin of Build's legs and when he hit the back of Build's knees, he pushed up.

Wichapas' mouth abandoned Build's abdomen for soft milky thighs. He devoured the skin, and it caused Build's eyes to fly open with a gasp. The view alone made Build feel dizzy, the pink hue in his husband's cheeks as his eyelashes fluttered was enthralling. There was a long inhale as Wichapas moved to another spot further down. Build's sex twitched with the proximity.

The shake of Build's body made him feel like he was vibrating. The one hand that still held on to Wichapas' hair slipped down to hold onto his shoulder, nails digging down as he tried to find some balance. The hand that covered his mouth moved to fist the sheets because his insides were suddenly helium and he was sure he would float away otherwise.

"Don't you ever wear those fucking shorts without me." Bible's voice was a growl, but it was muffled. He spoke against Build's thigh before sucking the skin into his mouth again. Build whimpered longingly at the pinch. "I can't stand the way they look at you. I can't–" It was a far away sound, words stumbling out of his mouth, a careless mumble.

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