Chapter Fourteen

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Build didn't even recognize himself. He had never felt so out of control, guided fully by his id, and unable to shift gears. He tightened his legs around his husband, pushing his forearms against Bible's broad shoulders to better level into their kiss. Wichapas made him weightless; he was able to carry him without struggle, strong arms wrapped around his back and bottom.

It was a delectable kiss that had Build's senses going haywire; every nerve end was sputtering. Build moaned, and it sounded like a purr. It was more delicious than he expected. Something like milk with honey, one of those frothy drinks you heat over boiling water. The ones that calm your chest and sit heavy in your stomach.

He had imagined kissing Wichapas many times before. At first he would give into the idea, even through the veil of resentment. After their night together, he would try to pull the memory out from the haze with little success. He could only remember the intense pressure, the way Bible's lips would make Build's quiver with their power.

Even being at a higher angle, Build was at the mercy of that power. He enjoyed it too much, he had craved it too long. As he fell back onto the bed with a bounce, he refused to loosen his grip or break away.

But his husband had other plans. Wichapas broke the kiss and unraveled Build's hands from behind him.

There was a needy whine from Build, but the rejection was short lived because Wichapas just moved to trail his hot tongue down Build's neck. He sucked and nibbled. Their fingers meshed, and Wichapas' rough palms pressed down to successfully pin his husband to the bed.

Build arched his back with a heavy sigh, neck stretching to give his husband more skin to savor. Those sharp pinches that devoured him made him delirious, his body a willing participant in his own depletion. When Build unlocked his legs at the ankle, it changed the position of his pelvis. The sudden collision of their hard erections had both of them moaning in unison.

Build bit his lip in embarrassment, but Bible bucked his hips again. The thin material of their pajamas was barely an obstacle between their hard bodies. Build's toes curled at the pleasure. not just at the friction, but knowing that Wichapas was aroused because of him, for him.

"I'll give you whatever you want, baby. Just ask me and I'll give it up."

Even in the madness caused by the lust that coursed through him, Build wondered how true those words were; his selfish body wanted to test it. He grinded his hips once more and tried to pull his left hand away. Wichapas hissed, latching onto Build's mouth as he disentangled their fingers upon Build's request.

Bible's chest rumbled the moment Build's fingers knotted in his satin hair. It was such a wonderful sound, the soft rumble of contentment. Build felt a shiver overcome him, the thrill of being able to do that to his husband.

Build's brain scrambled again when Wichapas' free hand slid under his shirt. That hand was the lick of a flame, and Build pulled his face away trying to find more air. Wichapas rubbed Build's waist, the arch of his back. He released the clasp he had on Build's palm to explore with both hands.

"God, you're so soft." Wichapas hot breath tickled Build's earlobe.

All Build could do was moan a reply. The sound was so lewd the back of his free hand tried to cover his mouth. His erection throbbed with every move, but when Bible's hand slid up his sides and his thumbs flicked over his nipples, Build's entire body jolted. It felt like being plugged into an electrical socket and his cry was more like a choked whimper.

"Fuck," Wichapas cursed, his hand gripped at Build's waist as if he was trying to compose himself. "You really like that huh, baby?"

The term of endearment was another wave of pleasure. Build bit the back of his hand, nodding feverishly.

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