Chapter Two

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As Friday rolled around, Build was finally done setting up the guest-house kitchen. He arranged for extra help to do one final deep clean of the entire place. It was a small one-bedroom cottage, but a month prior it had been old storage.

Build had worked hard to fully equip it and decorate it. He felt emptiness at the completion. It meant his mind would have more time to do that uncomfortable spinning it had been doing recently. He was starting to get migraines and barely had an appetite.

They had just arrived at the mansion when his phone rang. He dropped Bear's bags on the grand entrance table to reach into his pocket. It was Wichapas and it was a video call.

"Bear!" Build called before he swiped to answer the call.

Bible was sitting behind his desk, his jacket and tie were off and some of his buttons were undone. He looked exhausted, a little bit more than usual.

"Hey, are you guys home now?" Bible inquired with a friendly smile. Build went up the stairs two steps at a time toward his son's room.

"Yes, we just got in. He ran up to his room to change because Aom made his favorite: mac and cheese with bacon. Dad is on his way now for dinner." Build focused on the stairs as he spoke. "Hopefully he approves the work I did on the guest-house."

"I'm sure you did a great job," Biu froze at his words. He had reached the top of the stairs and was suddenly completely paralyzed. Wichapas had complimented him before, but he couldn't remember the last time it was something not related to their son.

He gathered enough courage to look at the phone screen. Luckily, Bible was focused on something off camera. His black hair was longer than the last time he had seen him. It was pulled back in a small bun, some locks had come loose and they ended at his sharp jawline. His features were still as sharp as ever, monolid eyes, thick eyebrows, high cheekbones. Build was right, his ex-husband was still very handsome.

"Thanks." He acknowledged, and when Bible looked at the camera he focused his attention toward Bear's door. "Bear, Papa is calling you!

For the last couple of years they had behaved in the same manner. Wichapas would call and they would have a brief conversation before parting again when Bear was introduced. They used their son as a mediator, but it worked, there hadn't been a fight or a disagreement since his birth. It was just Bear and his needs, whatever was best for him was the answer, always.

Bear ran out of the room wearing only his pants. He reached his hand out asking for the phone. Build looked at the screen, Bible was still looking, so he tilted the phone to give him a better view of his son's ridiculous behavior.

"Hey Papa!" Bear beamed up at the phone and Bible returned the smile.

"Hey B! I just finished work. I wanted to see you before I have to start packing. You're getting ready for dinner with Phaw?"

Bear nodded, extending his hand farther for the phone. Build gave in and handed it over. His son walked back into his room without giving him a second look.

"Yes. He was supposed to come tomorrow, but is coming today instead. Phaw told me to get ready fast. Ohm was absent today, he went to see the doctor for his eyes. He said they might give him glasses like you Papa."

Build watched his son set up the phone on the dresser. He stumbled through angling it, standing on tippy toes as he struggled to reach. Once successful, he came to the bed to pick up his shirt. Build sat on the edge of the bed.

"He will look as smart as me then."

"He will look old like you!" Bear commented, head tucked inside his white shirt. Build held back from helping. Bear's fierce independence, especially in the last year, was a strong part of his character. He had to learn to give help only when asked.

Lost in EnmityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora