Chapter Three

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Build woke up with a jump. His heart was beating wildly, it almost felt like it vibrated. Everything was unfamiliar and cold, he shivered lightly. As he sat up, he rubbed at his chest trying to calm whatever was going on with it, blinking away the blur in his eyes.

As the room slowly revealed itself, he realized he was in Wichapas' old room. It had been so long since he had last stepped foot in it. Aom had kept it clean, everything in the exact same place he left it. The silver and glass awards he had received for designs and high honors still sat on his dresser. The black jacket he forgot was hanging behind the door. A picture of him holding Bear on the nightstand.

There was a weight pushing down on Build's stomach again. He felt a little sick, probably from the amount of wine he consumed on an empty stomach. The phone read three in the morning. His mind was white noise, eyes unable to find focus--and as he finally got up to look at himself in the mirror behind the dresser, worn out and tired looked back at him. For a second he wondered if his ex-husband would notice he changed his hair or that he'd stopped wearing makeup. Touching the deep circles under his eyes, he knew it was time to reconsider that.


Saturday was a scramble. Build was busy with Aom putting food away in the fridge and organizing all the new spices in the kitchen. It all came to a stand still with the sound of glass shattering.

"Bear!" Build yelled as he ran over, picking up his son and looking around at all the silver marbles scattered all over the floor. The fake plant that was inside the vase was still trapped in his son's fist. "I told you not to touch anything! You could have cut yourself. Give me the plant."

"Phaw!" Bear cried and clasped his arms around Build's shoulders, his face hiding in the crook of his neck. "I'm sorry, Phaw."

Aom was quick to get the broom for the clean up as Build walked over to the dark gray couch and sat. He tried to pull his son away to inspect him, but Bear did not loosen his grip.

"Are you okay, baby?" Build softened and wrapped his arms around is son again.

"Is Papa going to be mad?"

At Bear's words, Build rested back against the giant cushions. He stroked his son's hair and rocked his leg to soothe them both.

"No, Papa will not be mad, but I should be. Why were you moving that, Bear? That was heavy."

"I put my lego space-ship on the table. I want Papa to have it. We made it for him." Bear finally sat back on his father's lap and wiped his face. He looked up at Build with a quivering pout.

"Next time you ask for my help before moving something heavy, okay? I would have moved it for you. Let me look at your hands."

Build inspected his son's hands and kissed them softly, smelling them and placing them on his cheeks. They were a little cold, but they were clear of any cuts. Suddenly Build's eyes filled with tears and he tried to blink them away, but instead pulled his son back into a hug to keep him from noticing.

"I think Papa will really like the ship. Is there anything else you want to put out for him?" He asked as he looked over at Aom. He hid his tears from his son, but not from her. She stood by watching, her sweet brown eyes waiting expectantly for instruction. Build smiled, wiping the moisture away from his face in a haste.

"No, we are gonna make more space-ships together. We can put one in your room too, Phaw." Bear clarified and since the damn tears were finally under control, he let his son sit back down on his lap.

"Let's get something to eat."

"Can I have mac and cheese?"

"No, you can't have mac and cheese for every meal, Bear."

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