Chapter 18

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"I hope you're bulletproof for this bout to hurt" Strap in lovelies the first part of this chapter has just a dash of angst in it. Who am I kidding, I broke my own heart writing this. Also the second half of this chapter is really just a filler to kinda get us to the next sequence. It also does some character building for all three of our lovely main cast.

There's a call back to sister location in this chapter. I didn't go into too much detail, but I wanted to atleast give a heads up. Also, there is a reference to abuse. It's only mentioned, but I wanna make sure I warn you guys.


"Did you get what you needed?" Freddy greets us as we walk through the doors.

"Yeah, we did. Come on, let's get you in the safety cylinder." I wave for Freddy to follow as I step up to the console outside of it. Preparing everything so I can upgrade Freddy.

"What? I thought my diagnostics came up good." Freddy questions, but complies anyway.

"Yes, but we collected something for you!" I walk in with him as Freddy's eyes shift skeptically between me and the other's before he finally slumps onto the chair. I get him hooked up to the cables before once again making my way back out to the console. Freddy's smart, and I'm sure he already knows what upgrade I have in my hand. He doesn't make any attempt to fight us on it. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel guilty, though.

As I'm allowed this small, quiet moment to get things set up, more questions start to pour into my head. There's no doubt Michael and I will be fired after this, especially if Vanessa has a say. What about Gregory? As much as I don't want to admit it, the kid has grown on me, and I don't think I'm going to be ready to say goodbye when we reunite him with his family. I put my concerns on the back burner as I power down Freddy from the console.

I grab a chair and roll it behind me into the chamber. I sit and get ready to begin my work when suddenly the back of my chair is grabbed, and I'm being rolled out of the chamber. Peaking behind me, I notice Michael dragging me to the supply area of the parts and services center.

"What are you doing?" I question with a raised eyebrow.

"I told you some of that gel and those pain relievers will do you good." When he stops me near a desk, Gregory is already there. The first aid kit in his hand that he most likely found in the cabinet.

"I need to work on Freddy-"

"Freddy is powered down. He's not going anywhere, I promise you." Michael hands me the pain relievers after he applies the gel to my back. "Is there a fridge somewhere in here?"

"I have one in my office under my desk. There should be a few bottles of water; grab two more for Gregory and yourself." I say this as I watch Michael walk down the hallway, disappearing around the corner.

"Gregory, can I ask you something?" I shift my eyes to the boy, who already has his eyes on me. He gives me a nod, silently asking for me to go on.

"Do you know how to get in touch with your parents? I'm sure they are worried sick about you." I watch as Gregory stiffens, and then his shoulders slouch. He cast his gaze to the side as he shrugged his shoulders. Suddenly, the weight of the situation finally sets in. Gregory isn't just some little boy who got lost in the city and wondered into the first place he could find. No, it was deeper than that.

"Gregory? You didn't run away, did you?" I ask gently so as not to scare him off. By this time, Michael has made his way back to us, but he stops a short distance away from us. He decides that interrupting now wouldn't be a good idea.

"Hey, it's ok! You can be honest. You're not going to be in any trouble." I tilt my head to get a better look at Gregory, and that's when I notice the tears falling from his eyes. "I just need to know what's going on."

What lies in the shadows~~~ Michael Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now