Chapter 7

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This chapter will skip around in povs a few times. This chapter has been proofread as of 10/31/23.

11/09/23 edited for minor mistakes.


"Shit!" I curse as I flip through the cameras to locate (Y/n). When I do find them, they are already halfway to the laundry room.

I tell Gregory to hold tight as a new problem has surfaced. I flip from the channel that Gregory's watch is on to find Freddy's signal on my walkie-talkie.

"Freddy? We have a slight situation." I watch as (Y/n) peeks around a corner before taking off again. "I need you down at the laundry room exit asap."

"I'm in a charging station. Is Gregory in danger?" Freddy's voice sounds concerned.

"No, but I fear him and (Y/n) are about to have a big problem." I watch as (Y/n) gets closer and closer to where Vanessa is searching.

"What do you mean, 'Him and (Y/n)'?" Freddy suddenly sounds panicked, and the swishing of the charging station door opening is heard. "You were supposed to keep each other safe. That was the point of splitting up. For you guys to stay together."

"Yes! I know! I tried to keep them safe, and I tried to protect them. When they fly into protective mode, though, there's no stopping them from doing what's on their mind." I feel the regret of not trying more. I know it's not entirely my fault, but I surely could have done more.

"Freddy, I need you to guide Gregory."

"Mike, my signal to most security protocols was scrambled. I can't even alert the main office if something was to happen."

"I'm unscrambling it now. I need you to guide him, though. I'm going to try and get to Gregory and (Y/n) before Vanessa does."


I'm shifting back to (Y/n)'s pov.


I run down the hall just as I hear Gregory scream, 'Let me go!'

I pick up the pace and round the corner, skidding to a stop.

"Vanessa! Please!" I call out. I knew there was nothing I could do to convince her to just let him go. Even if I acted as if I wasn't helping him, my cover would be blown any way I played this.

"I knew it! You liar! You were helping him! Ohhhh! When corporate hears of this, Oh, the trouble you'll be in!"

I throw my hands up in surrender. I take a step closer, but I make sure I do so slowly.

"Look, you can report me to corporate, and I can be fired. I'm not even sure that'll be a reason to fire me. But, heck, I'll even make myself disappear without a trace. You'll never have to see my face again. Just please let Gregory go. He's just a child." I practically beg.

"I won't stop you from disappearing. I'll even do that part myself. You are right, though. Gregory is just a child... A spoiled rat who needs to be put in his place. How about this? You suddenly, you know, disappear, and I'll keep Gregory. Orrrrrr, we can do this the hard way." Vanessa waves her hand around as the other hand tightens around Gregory's waist.

"Let me go! Don't you dare touch them!" Gregory begins to twist and turn in Vanessa's arm.

She tightens her grip though, and Gregory lets out a pained whimper, settling down in her arm.

"Stop! You're hurting him!" I lose all cool and charge at Vanessa.

Before I can process anything, Vanessa has a stun gun pulled out and aimed directly at me. Within seconds, I'm on the ground, and everything is hazy.

What lies in the shadows~~~ Michael Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now