"I uh was on a run too and saw you was going to try and catch up but you were flying."

"Yeah well I used to be a lot faster than that."

"Listen why don't you let me help you get back to our place. Caitlin is out for most of the day, but I can order some take away and we can hang out."

"Its fine Katie, thanks but Ill just head back."

"Bailey it wasn't really a question. I think I know what has been bothering you and I'm here if you want to talk, but you are coming back to our place okay.  Caitlin has been miserable all week because you are ignoring her and she knows something is wrong."

"Wait Caitlin has been having a bad week because of me?"

"Yeah she has barely smiled at all. I don't know what to do to make her happy."

"Fine I'll go with you." Bailey said in a whisper.

Katie helped her limp back to their house and immediately got her an ice pack and put her on the couch to elevate her leg.  

"Thanks Katie. Sorry I'm such a burden."

"You aren't a burden at all what are you talking about?"

"Nothing nothing just forget it."

"Bailey if there is something on your mind you can talk to me about it.  Don't hold it in like your sister does."

"She only does that when its about me or our parents."

"Yeah I know. I hope one day she feels comfortable enough to open up to me about it. I just want to help her. It hurts me to see her so upset. And I really want to help you right now too."

For some reason, hearing Katie say that was what made Bailey reach her breaking point and she immediately started sobbing. Katie sat on the side of the couch and brought Bailey into a long hug.  The words just started to flow after that as Bailey told her whole story to Katie. 

"About a week in a half ago I came home early from work because I had a meeting get cancelled.  I walked in a saw Ellie's shoes there which wasn't that unusual I mean sometimes she would come over to borrow a shirt or something. I gave her a key for a reason. Anyways I heard something in the bedroom so I made my way up there only to see Ryan and Ellie have sex. In my bed.  My boyfriend and best friend. So cliche its unreal.  Anyways I'll skip all the yelling and crying I did, but anyways it turns out they've been hooking up for four months.  Four months! All of this time I had no idea.  They didn't even really apologize and apparently they are together now.  And I remain the loser who got cheated on and lost my best friend in the process. I thought I was going to marry him one day.  Ellie would have been in my wedding right behind Caitlin as a bridesmaid."

"Bales I'm so sorry. That is so shitty. You don't deserve any of the heartache you are feeling right now. You are so special and one day you'll find someone to treat you like you truly deserve. Can I ask you a question though?"

"Yeah go ahead"

"Why didn't you tell Caitlin? I thought you guys told each other everything."

"Yeah I mean we do, but I didn't want to just throw my problems at her."

"That's literally what sisters are for especially big sisters we are here to deal with your problems."

"Katie I get where you're coming from, but I already threw a big problem at her 7 years ago. I am the reason she had to take time off soccer, she had to sit with me through all of my rehab, she had to deal with all of my mental problems and panic attacks, the reason she doesn't have parents anymore is because of me.  I don't need to burden her with something like this.  Lots of girls get cheated on doesn't make me special. I don't need her to resent me more than she already does."

Katie was a little shocked, well more than a little. 

"Bailey, Caitlin loves you so much there isn't even a sliver of her that could resent you for what happened in your past. And especially when none of it was your fault."

"Yeah well why doesn't she talk about her feelings then! I think its because she doesn't want to admit that deep down she blames me."

"You're right. She doesn't open up, but I can guarantee you its not because of that. You mean the world to her."

The doorbell interrupted their conversation indicating that the takeout had arrived. Katie sighed before getting up to get the door and pay for the food.  She knew she wouldn't be getting anything else out of Bailey tonight. They ate their food and put a movie on, neither one talking the rest of the night. Katie noticed that Bailey had fallen asleep at some point and got her a blanket.  

After about another 30 minutes Caitlin came home and looked shocked to her see her sister asleep on the couch. The door opening woke Bailey up 

"Oh hey Cait."

"Bailey you came over!"

"Your girlfriend made me. Anyways I am going to bed. Can I take the guest room?"

"Yeah of course" Katie said in reply

As Bailey limped away Caitlin had a concerned look on her face, "Is it your knee are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just fell earlier. I'll be fine tomorrow."

"You fell!?"

"Im fine!"

Before Caitlin could follow after her Katie wrapped her up in a hug and kissed her forehead. "Let her sleep okay. She will explain tomorrow, but my mom was right. She needs our help."

"She opened up to you?"

"A little bit yeah, but I don't think its my story to tell. I think I can mention that we should probably go slash Ryan's tires... and Ellie's"

"Oh you've got to be kidding me. I knew he was a douchebag."

"come on, lets go to bed. I want to hear about your day with the girls. And then tomorrow you can talk to Bailey."

"Okay, but Katie."


"Thank you. For being there for her.  I love you."

"I love you too Cait."

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