The Start Of Some Tomfoolery

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile in the Hero Association's office...

Snek: Those three newbies... Did they really pass? Their attitudes were terrible! I'm A Class Rank 38 and they seemed ignorant of that and of how harsh the world can be. They'll die in no time.

Jinzuren: No... Genos passed the written and physical tests with perfect scores and jumped straight into S Class, it's outstanding for a newcomer. And while Saitama's written test and essay results were dreadful he score perfect scores in the physical tests surpassing all previous records by a wide margin, it's like a God resides in the body. As for the third applicant: Y/N, the information I'm about to give you must not ever escape this room or your lips. We have suspicions that Y/N might also be a person of interest who is claimed by multiple sources from the criminal underworld to be "The World's Greatest Assasin" who apparently vanished two years ago and is theorized to have changed his identity and profession to work as a bounty hunter seemengly retiring half a year ago. The evidence may be minimal as he has changed appearances throught the years but the one thing that it all together is the weapon of choice that Y/N listed in his application: A light blue Beam Katana called "Blood Berry". Now we don't know if he is the same person or if he is just an imitator but if that is the case. Snek, Genos already surpassed you in rank and Saitama and Y/N may soon overtake you with very little effort.

(Jinzuren, Hero Association Executive, yes I did look this guy's name up in the wiki)

Snek's mind: Those guys?!

With a very bad idea fueled by a worried pride Snek left running to go fight Saitama.

Jinzuren: This won't end well for him. But I wonder... Could we really have that assasin as one of our heroes?

One hour later...

City streets, B City

We see Y/N riding through the city streets on the Schpeltiger on his way home from the Hero License Exam, passing by a school of martial arts he sees three thugs get tossed out the front door, out of which a face familiar to Y/N walks out.

We see Y/N riding through the city streets on the Schpeltiger on his way home from the Hero License Exam, passing by a school of martial arts he sees three thugs get tossed out the front door, out of which a face familiar to Y/N walks out

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Drawing by magion02

(Lin Lin, Martial Artist & former high-school aquaintance, I'll be using "Lin lin" instead of "Ring ring" since it fits better with her chinese theming)

Lin lin: And don't come back unless it's with an apology!

Y/N: Lin lin? Well as I live and breathe!

Lin lin: Y/N? It's been years! How have you been?

Y/N: I've been doing pretty good. I'm actually coming back from the Hero License Exam, i'm a certified C Class Hero. What's up with these jokers?

Y/N points to the three thugs knocked out on the ground.

Lin lin points to the martial arts dojo behind her as she explains herself.

Lin lin: I was just visiting a school that's friendly with my school when some musclehead Darens started giving them trouble because of some stupid porblem, but enough about that. You said that you became a certified Hero? That's great! It's good to see that you've been doing good since graduation.

To this Y/N responded a bit akwardly feeling uncomfrotable about revealing his past.

Y/N: Well... It's more like I finally picked an actual career since I mostly did freelancing before this Hero gig, anyway I'm probably taking too much of your time. I gotta go home now, bye.

Lin lin: Bye Y/N!

With that Y/N sped away back to the Ghost Town as Lin lin went back inside ofthe dojo, inside of the dojo we see an old lady called Ching Shih give a smug look to a slightly blushing Lin lin.

Lin lin: What?

Ching Shih: You like that boy don't you? I can tell, I was a young woman once too.

Lin lin: S-so... I may have thought he was a bit of a cute geek back in school and he is a bit more built now than back then...

Ching Shih: Well if I were 30 years younger I would definitely hit that up.

Lin lin and the other students just groaned exasperated at the old lady for being too horny for her age.

(A/N: In case you're wondering I will be making the harem include Lin lin because Y/N has this Tiger theming I have to work more into the chapters and since Tigers are part of the chinese zodiac I thought Lin lin would fit in. Also Y/N is C Class Rank 339)

End of Chapter

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