chapter two

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victoria sighed, "you're being completely childish

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victoria sighed, "you're being completely childish."

"am not," lorelai argued.

"so what, we're never gonna go into luke's again? we're just gonna starve?" rory added.

"guys, this was a bad one, okay? i'm not going in there."

"but the coffee is in there. and it's danish day. are you seriously telling me that you're gonna let a stupid fight get in the way of danish day?" victoria exclaimed, staring her mom down.

"no, i'm not."


lorelai pushed tori forward, "so go in there and order two coffees and two danishes to go."

victoria planted her feet, stumbling slightly to avoid being pushed through the door, "you're kidding, right? why do i have to? why not rory?"

"and don't forget the napkins."

"mom, he's gonna know what's going on. he's not stupid."

"he cannot prove that you're not ordering all that for yourself, can he? no, so go on. scoot, scoot. mommy's right here."

victoria looked at her bewildered before sighing and making her way inside with rory. she knew it wouldn't work but there was no saying no to lorelai gilmore. 

"hi luke. we'll take three coffees and three cherry danishes to go," victoria ordered.

luke repeated the order. she could already see he'd figured it out.

"oh, and some napkins," rory piped up.

"one of these is for her isn't it?"

"who? oh, no no no. they're all for us. we are super hungry today. a danish and a half each and a coffee and a half. equal ratio of each," victoria lied. she flinched. she should have ordered four altogether. at least then her story would be plausible and sadie would just have the extra. that girl loved danishes (not so much coffee).

"tell you what, i'll give you one danish and one cup of coffee each, you can sit over there and eat, and when you're finished them right over there where i can see you, then i'll bring you a second one."

"you're really just gonna stand there and watch us eat a danish?" rory asked in disbelief.

"cable's out. i'm starved for entertainment."

"this is crazy! you're both crazy! so you guys had a fight, big deal. you know you're gonna make up anyway, and what better day to make up than danish day, the happiest of all days. the day when we all say, 'hey, let's forgive and forget over a nice danish and a cup of coffee,'" rory pleaded.

"two danish, two cups of coffee, take it or leave it."

"we'll take it," the pair sighed.

"i still think you're being silly," victoria seethed, taking her coffee and danish.

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