12. Twelve

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Erin was sleeping peacefully when she heard a knock on her bedroom door. She buried her head under her pillow and tried to go back to sleep but the person on the other side of the door kept knocking, again and again so she had no choice but to get up and go open the door. She discreetly opened the padlock that Kaz had given her and then opened the door.

Erin let out a grunt of displeasure when she saw it was her brother who had woken her up.

"Did you hear what happened to Dad?" Caleb asked Erin.

Caleb had only just learned of his father's death, and he immediately came to tell Erin, not knowing that she already knew.

"You want to tell your father?" She insisted on the "your". "Otherwise, no I don't know, tell me."

"He is dead."

"Did you really wake me up just for that?"

"Erin! Did you hear what I just told you? Our father is dead!"

Caleb forced his way and entered Erin's room, who suddenly no longer felt comfortable at all. She no longer felt safe. Erin felt like she was going to be sick.

"In case you've forgotten, Caleb, I wasn't close to him so you can't blame me for not bursting into tears. No matter how he died, he got everything he deserved and you won't make me feel guilty for not being sad for him. Now go!"

Caleb rolled his eyes, he was annoyed by his sister's lack of compassion but he was out and that was all that mattered to Erin. She closed the door and immediately put the padlock back on, she made sure it was secure before running into her bathroom and returning the little she had eaten today.

She brushed her teeth, got dressed and left her room. She had come out of the window like on her first night here. She went to the only place she felt safe. The Slat. Erin entered Kaz's room through the window.

Kaz looked up when he heard the noise Erin made as she entered the room. From where he was he could see the distress on the young woman's face. Erin went to sit in the chair across from Kaz's desk. She had barely sat down when she began to cry silently. Kaz handed her a box of tissues without saying anything. Erin took it from him in silence. Kaz didn't care that she didn't say thank you.

Kaz let her cry as much as she wanted. Erin felt good again, safe again.

"I'm sorry...," she apologized.

"Who should I go after?"

"No one...I don't even know why I'm crying..."

"Do you want to talk to me about it anyway?"

Erin nodded, she played with the clean tissue in her hands. She avoided Kaz's gaze.

"He was in my room...well, he knocked on my door...I only opened so he would stop making noise...he informed me about his father's death ...and he came into my room without me inviting him and...he looks more and more like him, you know?"

"I know, yes."

Kaz and Erin looked into each other's eyes. Erin noticed his look, it was the same one he had this morning. She hadn't paid attention to it this morning, but now she couldn't ignore it. The way he looked at her made her understand that he didn't just know that Caleb was looking more and more like their father. His look told her he knew the truth.

"He told you, didn't he?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Erin suddenly stood up from her chair, she glared at Kaz.

"I forbid you from playing this game with me, Kaz! Either he told you or you guessed it but whatever happens, I know you know because you look at me like this morning and I don't like it! So tell me how you know!"

Walk With The Devil [ Kaz Brekker - Six Of Crows ]Where stories live. Discover now