6. Six

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Erin woke up before dawn. When she turned to her right side, she noticed that Kaz was still sitting at his desk, still working.

"Hello," Erin said to let Kaz know she was awake.

"Good morning."

Kaz didn't look up from the papers that were spread out on his desk. Erin watched him, she took advantage of this moment before having to get up and leave him. She only now understood that it had been a bad idea to come back here the night before, because she didn't want to leave again. The Slat was her home, the Dregs were her family. It was only here with them that she felt good and safe. She opened her mouth to speak, she wanted to ask Kaz to cancel the mission – she hated having to give up a job – but she remembered why she was doing it. She remembered everything Kaz had done for her in the past – when they were kids, he stood up for her when the other kids at school were mean to her, he let her come over to his house after school so they could do their homeworks together and so many other things – so she did not do it. She repeated several times in her head that she was doing this for Kaz and for Jordie. She didn't do this for just anyone. She agreed because Kaz was her best friend. She did it because she loved him and she never thought twice when it came to Kaz.

She knew it was dangerous, that she shouldn't let a man have so much power, so much control over her, but she couldn't stop it, it happened like that, overnight, without her being able to do anything about it.

"You're watching me again, Erin."

"I know. I'm enjoying it, it might be the last time in my life that I'll be able to admire such a beautiful face," she openly flirted with him.

"Don't make that kind of joke. They're not funny."

Erin heard something strange in Kaz's voice, she couldn't tell what it was, but she could tell it was weird and unusual of him, she had never heard it before. She may not have recognized the strange emotion in Kaz's voice, but naively she decided to believe it was because he was worried for her.

"You better go before your new friends wonder where you've been."

"'Your new friends', they are not. These people will never be my friends."

"They better be if you want to do this job."

"Yes sir."

Erin got up from the bed, made the bed properly before walking towards the window, she opened it before leaning forward to see how to get out of here. When she saw the distance between the window and the ground, she sat up before shaking her head from side to side.

"No. There's no way, I'm not going to jump. I'm way too young to die like this."

"If the Dregs see you coming down the stairs, they'll still kill you, do you realize that?"

"I'd still rather die like this."

Erin closed the window, she returned to the bed to retrieve the padlock that Kaz had given her before moving towards the door, she opened it slightly, made sure there was no one in the hallway before to say goodbye to Kaz and finally leave the Slat. She had managed to get out without anyone seeing her. She returned to the hotel where she was to stay from now on. She hid the padlock before entering the hotel. Caleb stood there, as if waiting for her to return.

"Where have you been ?" He asked, walking towards his little sister.

"Why do you care, huh?"


Erin rolled her eyes before stopping walking, she slowly turned to Caleb.

"So you never stop asking questions? It gets annoying in the end. You're there, constantly asking questions and barking orders all the time."

Walk With The Devil [ Kaz Brekker - Six Of Crows ]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن