"hey boys" Mr Night says opening the door holding a tiger king mug "Kenny your friends are here!" he yelled to her.

"Mr Night dose that sign say live, laugh lesbians....." I ask just to here Kennedys voice 

"Really Cal I was seeing how long it took for him to notice that I changed it"
"For fucks sake Kenny!" Mr. Night says in disappointment

"well bye Luke see you soon"
Kennedy smirks waving goodbye "wow Cal you look like a dollar store hooker who gave up on life" she comments

"I don't look like a Hooker!"
"You kinda do Cal, but at least your a pretty hooker" miles tells me swinging his arm around me as we walk out of the building "that really doesn't help miles....!?"  I responded. After a couple minutes we get to school.

June and dawn were their waiting for us "took you long enough" dawn yells at us " hurry your Asses up we. are. going. to. be. late!" she quickly adds.

once we get to our class room theres a girl sitting in my seat..... "hi, that's my seat" I tell her. I wanted to say get the fuck out of my seat but- "well it's mine now go find somewhere else to sit" she tells me. Miles finally sits down in his seat right next to her and she instantly begins making conversation with him.

I won't let this shit interaction ruin my day and sit dow a couple seats away hearing there conversation " hi I'm Mary blankly I'm new" she tells him playing with her straight black hair " hi Mary I'm miles Richards so did you just move to Riverbin or"


"hey Cally~"

miles says walking over to me "do not call me that at school or ever please !" I snap at him
"would you rather me call you hooker?"
"I will hang you by your organs"

He laughs it off sitting beside me "hey miles who's this?" Mary butted in "oh this is my friend Callen kindalyn" he answered
( kindalyn is pronounced kin-da-lin ) "You took my seat in class this morning..."
I reminded her and she played dumb to it

And just like that 2 period was over but Mr Baxter has a rule of ThE bELl DoSE nOt DiSMIs YoU I dO, luckily he dismissed everyone on time but me I got held back to have a conversation with him

"callen, how do I say this...." He starts talking " i over heard a conversation between you and your friends today and I really did not enjoy what I heard" he tells me with a disappointing look on his face
"sir listen, it's all just jokes they don't actually mean most of that stuff" Mr Baxter is a dick. I just want to put that out there

"ok then, I'm still sending an email home to Kathy about this" see DICK "Mr Baxter I need to go" I muttered. This is a vary uncomfortable conversation

"you are free to go" he says to me flicking his hands away Signalling me to leave, I have now missed the first five minute of class, now I'm locked out having to wait outside for the teacher to let me in....

"Look at this everyone! callen was late, let's all give a round of applause To cal" she tells the whole class with me standing in  front. Mrs Andersen dose this if your late,  most of the time when I'm late to her class I just skip.  " ok now go sit down cal" she tells me with the fakest smile


" where's  miles?" Dawn asked me

"Oh, he had to show the new girl around" I say looking down
"all through class she kept staring at you!" Kennedy states
"I know I could feel her eyes"
"Maybe she likes you cal?" Dawn implied "No I don't think that's it"

"damn who's gonna tell her" Rob said in his usual dramatic manner
" tell her what?" June asked "tell her cal is in love with miles" Rob says more dramatically " WHAT I AM NOT!" I quickly Added over hearing Rob and Junes Side conversation

"And finally here's where me and my friends hang out" miles says walking over to us "hey hooker " he says leaning next to me

"for fucks sake!" I put my middle finger up and face it to miles "oh sorry mary this is Robert kallans, dawn Storm , Kennedy Roberts and June halo" he introduced

" she already met cal I didn't forget him" he adds looking at dawn who was side eyeing him. "so cal what was Kathy screaming about last night" Rob asked

"Zack was caught sneaking in by window again"
"Don't you guys live on the second floor?" Kennedy asked with a face of confusion

" yep I still have no idea how he gets in" I replied before looking at Mary who was still staring at me "so Mary what's it like outside of Riverbin?" Rob asked her "have you guys never been out of Riverbin!?" She responded with surprise

"no, we have only seen outside of Riverbin from the news..." June responded looking straight at Mary "pretty much everyone born in Riverbin has never left" miles says leaning on me


"hey cal" I hear Mary call my name as I am walking alone back out of school at the end of the day

"Oh...hey Mary?" I look back to see her standing behind me with her hands behind her back and a grin painted on her face "so" she says "so some girls told me about this thing that went around a while ago" fuck. "that you are a 'parentless fagg' if I remember correctly" she quoted "anyways I just wanted to know if you and miles where a thing" kill me "Oh wow, erm No- what gives you that idea...." She has been here for a day and she is already asking weird question, who does she think she is

"Well you are constantly flirting with him" She explained rolling her eyes "no, we are just friends!" I replied

"Your friends are great for still hanging around you despite your reputation, like I was so shocked hearing about al-"
"Mary, shut your fucking mouth" I blurt out. She punches me in the nose causing me to lose balance and fall on the floor "SHIT!" I was too busy looking at the blood on my hands coming out of my nose to notice that she walked away.


Chapter 1
1767 words
There will be more chapters some may not be this long hope you enjoyed see you next time

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