chapter 49 : replay

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"park jieun wake up you lazy bitch." the birthday girl rolled over again, her face in her pillows. she was trying to avoid ayaka to the best of her abilities, but it was not working too well.

"jieun it's literally your birthday and you're still in bed! we have to get to the suite!" jieun groaned, grabbing her blanket to force it over her head.

ayaka huffs, standing straight because her back was starting to hurt, "jieun if you don't get up we're gonna have the party without you." jieun didn't budge, ayaka guessing she was falling back asleep.

ayaka sighed, walking towards the end of the bed to do what everyone usually does. she pulls the blanket off of jieun, her pink pajamas finally seeing the light.

the sleepy girl groaned, sitting up on her arms to look at her surroundings. she saw ayaka at the feet of the bed, her blanket in her arms, "get up."

jieun slammed her head back into her pillow, but rolled over and finally sat up. "i'm awake, happy?" ayaka smiled at the brithday girl, dropping the blanket back on the bed.

"yes, now get dressed and get ready.. and DONT check your phone. haechan was an idiot and sent photos of the place and we want it to be a surprise." jieun shook her head, getting up from her bed.

"i won't, get out so i can get ready." jieun tried pushing ayaka out of her room, but the japanese girl stalled, turning around.

"give me your phone, i have to make sure." jieun wanted to complain, but just sighed heavily, walking back to her night stand to grab the phone.

jieun caught a glance at her messages, truly seeing one from haechan to the group chat, but to keep the decorated suite a surprise she turned her screen off.

she walked towards where ayaka was, placing her phone into her hand, "now please get out so i can look pretty." ayaka laughs, walking out of the room and closing the door behind her.

jieun sighed, walking into her closet to grab the outfit she had planned with renjun yesterday. she walked into her bathroom, fully prepared to fall back asleep in the shower.

she walked into the shower, taking her pajamas off and getting into the shower. she stood there for awhile, pondering whether or not her birthday was worth getting only 6 hours of sleep.

she thought over it again, realizing she usually only gets 6 hours of sleep. she just sighed, grabbing her shampoo bottle and getting her shower over and done with.

"can i have my phone back now?" jieun walked out of her bedroom, her hair still in a towel. she saw ayaka sitting at the counter, sipping from the coffee she had bought before coming.

"why are you wearing black? you look like your attending a funeral." jieun glared at her best friend, dropping her arms to the side.

"black is just a color i look good in, now can i have my phone. please?" ayaka shakes her head, and gets up from the barstool she was sitting on.

"no, are you done? we gotta get going so we can party!" jieun turned back around, ayaka following her into her room.

"did you need help with anything? drying your hair? doing your makeup?" jieun shook her head, hanging her towel on one of the hooks that was behind her door.

"im gonna let it air dry, and i already did my makeup so i am ready to go!!" jieun grabbed the duffle bag she had packed earlier that morning, hoping she hadn't forgotten to pack anything.

she also grabbed a small bag that would go with her outfit that just needed to fit her keys and phone.. even tho ayaka was persistent on not giving it back.

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