chapter 47 : moon

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jieun was peacefully washing her face when she started hearing a bunch of buzzing coming from her phone. she was in the middle of her cleansing step so she decided to ignore it.

unfortunately, her music had stopped and a different ring had came from her phone. she sighed, walking towards her bed to look and see who was calling her.

"happy birthday bubs." renjun's face popped up on her screen, the boy holding a small cake with a pink candle. she laughed, pretending to the blow the candle out.

renjun blew the candle out on his side, placing it in front of him so he could pick up his phone, "did you make a wish?"

jieun nodded, walking back to her restroom to finish washing her face, "i was mid cleanse when you called me, your timing is terrible."

renjun scoffed, getting into his bed to get comfortable while talking to her, "no your timing is bad. i said i would call you and you decided to wash your face right before 12." jieun shook her head, washing her cleanser off.

"to be fair i didn't even realize it was already 12. i got into the shower at like 11 so time was passing without me realizing." she tapped her face with a towel, looking in the mirror to see if she had forgotten any product.

"can your parents hear me?" he shakes his head, turning it so slightly so she could see his airpods. she nodded, looking back to the mirror to continue.

she picked up her toner, renjun staring through the phone silently. "are you not gonna eat the cake?" renjun shook his head, looking at the cake from his bed.

"i don't even know what flavor it is. i just saw the cute flowers they made with the frosting and picked it out." jieun laughed, grabbing another product to put on her face.

"i think this is the first time i've seen you do your night time routine." jieun nodded, grabbing her phone from her counter since she had finished.

"and it won't be the last." she walked out of the bathroom to sit on her bed, resting her head on the frame. she smiled at the chinese boy, realizing what he had just done. "i'm surprised you actually called me right at 12."

jieun heard him laugh, trying to get more comfortable against her bed frame. "i told you i would, didn't i?" jieun nodded, the two just looking at each other.

"how was your last final today?" jieun groaned, wanting to rip her hair out from how bad it was. she laid her head on her pillow, staying still for awhile.

she had to wake up early for her test, and then drive to the airport with jaemin, jeno, and hyein to pick up chenle and her brother.

"it felt so hard. like i thought i would understand everything on it cus it was just statistics. like i took that class in high school?? why did that test feel so hard." she took a breather, renjun staying quiet to let her continue.

"i don't know anymore, but apparently our professor is gonna give us a curve so if i did do god awful on that test it won't ruin my overall grade." renjun nodded, getting out of his bed to put the cake away.

he walked through his house, quietly since his parents were asleep, placing his phone on the kitchen counter, "you should give me a house tour." he heard jieun say.

he was a little worried, glancing towards his bags that were in the living room, but he could probably avoid it well enough so she wouldn't see it, "i could, just give me a second so i can put the cake away."

jieun hummed, watching a tiktok that yangyang had sent her a few hours before, "who's gonna eat it if you don't?" renjun laughed before making a joke, his initial thought being weird.

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