Chalter XVIII: Reunion

Start from the beginning

He meandered slowly from the room, as Susan stood their gazing at Edmund with a sympathetic expression, glaring harshly at both Caspian and Peter.

Enzo embraced her, whispering sweet nothings into her ear, as they retreated back to the solace of their empty room.

Until they were yet again disturbed by the inbounding three at that was Telmarine soldiers.

Their numbers where plentiful, Miraz decorated in gold armour approached leading the charge.

"Cakes and kettledrums

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"Cakes and kettledrums. That's your next big plan? Sending a little girl into the darkest parts of the forest? Alone?!" Peter sighed heavily imploring that the dwarf see reason.

"It's our only chance." Enzo agreed with the dwarf silently, the danger outweighing the potentially positive impact that it could have, until Susan spoke up, blinding Enzo with information he hadn't had previously,

"And she won't be alone." Trumpkin stepped toward Lucy his eyes glazed with tears,

"Haven't enough of us died already?" Enzo looked toward Susan his own eyes shimmering with tears, Peters words prompting his devastation,

"We have to hold them off until Lucy and Susan get back." Caspian spoke up quietly offering his support as he gave them a way to hold back the forces for a limited period of time.

"If I may... Miraz may be a tyrant and a murderer, but as King he is subject to the traditions, and expectations of his people. There is one in particular that might buy us some time."

The art of duelling seemed to translate across all species.

Enzo approached Peter while they where alone, his expression stoic as he addressed his King.
"I could duel him Peter, their is no question of bravery, you are the King, but I am the Captain of whatever may be left of the King and Queens guard. I could fight in your place."

Peter shook his head signing the document with his titles, as was tradition, no matter how repetitive they may become. "This is my fight Enzo, this one I have to fight alone. I need you hear manning the troops, I can't count on the Telmarines, to follow the agreement but I can account for your loyalty."

The soldier nodded curtly, retreating to the armoury as he approached both Susan and Lucy with Caspian as they prepared to depart, "Destrier has always served me well, you are in good hands."

Lucy giggled offering a break of the awkward tension, "Or hooves."

Enzo smiled at the young girls remark, "I thought we agreed that you would retire the animal jokes Lu?"

Lucy's smile widened as she observed her brother in law, "Enzo." The man chuckled,

"You'll take care of Susan for me, won't you Lu? She's rather clumsy at times." The girl giggled quietly, with a fond expression as Susan rolled her eyes,

"Of course." Caspian retreated from the cave, his expression pointed at the floor, as he departed silently,

"I think you scared him away." Enzo chuckled deeply at the young girls words,

"Really? Am I that scary Lu?" The girl shook her head as her elder sister spoke,

"You'll be here when I get back, won't you?" The desperation that lingered in her tone coaxed a lump in her throat, as he coughed nodding as he mustered a forced smile,

"Of course, I'll be within the troops awaiting Peters instruction in the tomb, out of sight. Now go, quickly before they realise you've gone." Susan nodding egging the horse onward, a last fleeting glance provoking Enzo's gaze to glaze a nearby steed.

Daybreak approached swiftly, yet Enzo couldn't shake the gut feeling that he needed to follow the pair into the woods.

He returned reluctantly to where both Peter and Edmund stood patiently awaiting Miraz's arrival, until he saw a flurry of riders heading in the direction that he had just encouraged Susan and Lucy toward.

He fought his own desire to find a steed and ride harshly to catch up until, he lost all reprieve and gave into the overwhelming desire, a fleeting word to Peter as his disobeyed his command. "I'm sorry Peter."

He mounted his black stallion, pushing foreword as fast as the animal would travel, accounting for the length of time that had passed.

He cautiously kept to the path that he could see hoof tracks, anxiously awaiting the time in which they would approach his view.

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