I was NTRed?

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There I stood even though I was injured I was not going to let this moment pass. The god was crawling on the ground begging for mercy.

"Please no more. You won now let me go I promise I want curse you next generation".

I knew he was lying. If I spare him he will come back to get me when I am at my weakest.

"Unfortunately fate has other plans for you oh so great god".

"You bastard I am a higher being. A god you should be bowing down and kissing my feet for what I have done for you mortals".

"And what have you done? Sit here on your throne looking down on us. Torture, torment and play with us and call to trails and challenges to prove our faith. Please you have done nothing but come down here to the mortal realm to feel big cause the other gods are stronger than you".

"Just you wait I will make you suffer you bastard, mongrel, dirty monkey".

I lift my hand up high "Well this monkey is about to kill you oh so great higher being".

I was about to finish him of when I felt a massive pain in my chest. It was my heart. I was have a heart attack. I fell to my knees and then to the ground.

'Dammit not like this. I can't die till I kill this bastard'.

I tried to get up on to feel a foot step on my back. And the started stomping my head and back over and over.

"Hahahaahaha it seems fate is on my side you old crazy mortal thinking you could beat me no never. Once you die I'll go after everyone you love and I'll make sure your soul suffer. Hahahahaha".

I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore an just like that I died. I who easy defeated a god was dying form something as simple as a heart attack. Closing my eye for the last time and taking my final breath I died.

-Modern era-

Urh my head I woke up and looked around. Seeing a filthy room with laundry everywhere along with some different left over food. I got up and opened the window for some fresh air.

As I was move back a mirror stood to the side and I was shock to see how I looked and god I looked so weak.

I looked more feminine than anything else

I stepped away from the mirror and sat down on the bed

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I stepped away from the mirror and sat down on the bed. What the god said now played out to me.

I breath in then exhaled out. Once calmed I got up and started to clean up the place.

Once the bedroom was clean I left my? room and headed out to a hall way. Their was stairs leading down and six other rooms. I moved one Infront of me and it lead to a bathroom with a toilet. The one next to it was a bathing room with a shower?, what is a shower? and a bath.

The room next to my room was another room but it smelled even worst then mine. It smelled like pure sex and nothing more it was sickening. The other two rooms were also bedrooms but looked like no one uses them. The last room was some sort of study.

I moved down stairs and saw a dirty kitchen and living room and the tv? room, what sorcery is that? Was the only place decent. I then saw a broken photo covered in what I presume to be cum, held a picture of me, two very beautiful women and a little girl. Once I saw them images or better yet momories flashed my mind and I now who I am.

Kota Kurosawa. My father died 13 it years after my little sister was born. Afterwards I picked up most of the slack in the house doing part time job and dealing with the house affairs since when my mother lost my father she entered a grieving period. My eldest sister shut herself off from the world. And lastly I was also forced to basically raise my little sister. It went on for 2 years it cause me to became very sick and leading to me being weak and bullied.

Hmm what a terrible family leaving all the work to one person. A boy forced to carry the burden of an adult.

The bullying got worst to the point they started to take over his house. Then without him or me knowing they started to sleep with my mother and elder sister.

Then said many thing like he was worthless. Weak. Loser. A embarrassment. A discrays. They wanted to kick him out of the house, but the bullies decided to keep him so he could make money for them. He was even forced to watch as they fucked her in front of him. His little sister being the only safe on. 3 months later his sister never came home. Then 7 months later his mother also disappeared and the last thing he got from her was multiple videos of her not only sleeping with his tormentors but also other guys.

His sister was forced to live with his grandmother. She now and then come and visits him, along with their grandmother.

But it didn't end with his mother no his girlfriend and childhood friend followed.

Damn what a sad life the new me has life but oh well I am now the owner of this body so I should start the change he need in his life.

I took the photo and threw it where it belonged. In the trash. I cleaned the house from top to bottom. Then I washed the outside walls since the bullies wrote some unsavory things on them.

After finishing I kndw the only family I had was my grandmother and sister. Oh and my uncle who is the head security guard of the president. Wonder why he didn't inform his uncle.

I went back inside the now clean house and sat crossed legs on the sofa.

I saw this era had something called anime and this body held extensive knowledge of it.

What an idiot these shows hold far more value then you think they hold knowledge to new martial arts and ways to train and improve the body.

It will take a will to build this up but luckily it's summer vacation tomorrow so I have enough time to reach near human peak at least.

Well then as they say time to start the grind.

Reincarnated to an NTRed characterWhere stories live. Discover now