{12} Love me

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I walked closer and plopped down beside him. Trent's face lightened up when he saw me, he mustered a smile and dropped his hand on my shoulder.

"Where did you go?" I mumbled as I leaned close to him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"There was something urgent I needed to fix, sorry I didn't tell you before leaving," he said in a repose tone and caressed my hair. "Noelle, you're the most, adorable person I've ever met."

I looked up to make eye contact with him but he wasn't looking my way, his gaze was fixed toward the sky. I was amazed by the way he seemed focused, almost like he was talking to the sky rather than me. I don't know why–but I loved it.

"It was almost like the universe knew that I'll find you–my only true love," he muttered and looked down at me and placed a peck on my cheek.

My eyes widened and I smiled. "Thanks to the universe." I smiled looking up to the sky, with the stars sparkling bright, I took in a deep breath of Trent's cologne and exhaled it.

"My love," Trent called, removing his hand from my shoulder. He stood up and took my hand immediately. "I have something to show you."

We walked past the balcony at the back of the building together and got to a brown door. Trent let go of my hand and rummaged his pocket for the key, I stared at the door in curiosity, my mind diving into various imaginations.

Maybe it's just a spot he set up for both of us, something secluded from the blaring living room embedded with his weird friends.

The door squeaked open and we both walked into a room. A solemn song was playing in stereo that was placed underneath a flat-screen TV, I looked around the room.

There was a king-size bed in the hub of the room, along with huge bookshelves filled with books. I walked close to it, scanning the list of amazing teen fiction novels, it was like they were calling out to me. Since I'm a fan of novels, I couldn't resist the urge to look away. Trent sat on the bed, he was typing on his phone.

"I didn't know you also read Jane Austen's novel," I said and pulled one of the books. "Emma." I read the title out loud with a brisk smile aiming at it. I took the book and made my way to sit next to him.

He looked up and smiled. "I used to read that when I was in high school, not the reading type. I was just doing it to impress someone but it was all bullshit."

I skimmed the first page of the book. "Why? Did something bad happen?"

He stood up and ambled to the other side of the room, to drop his phone on the table. "She was a virgin and wanted to do the celibate thing."

I stared at him perplexed. "What's wrong with that?"

He scoffed with a smile aimed at me. "Nothing, let's just stop talking about things that aren't important." He made his way to meet me on the bed. "I love you, Noelle. And I want us to be together always."

He cupped my chin with his hand and leaned close to kiss me. I felt my heart pounding in my chest as his lips pressed against mine before I could tell what was happening. I was lying on the bed with Trent on top of me, his calloused fingers slid beneath my panty line.

I moaned at his touch, my heartbeat increased as I tried to brave myself for what was about to happen. The fact that I was naive about the situation made everything worse, I closed my eyes with the thought of subduing the feelings.

"I can't do this!" I sputtered, and a cold chill ran down my spine, I pushed Trent away from me and curled up to the side of the bed.

"What happened? Was I going too fast on you?" Trent asked with an eyebrow arched at me.

I shook my head.

He shrugged giving me a confused stern look. "So what's the matter?" He sat on the bed and reached out to grab my hand. "Tell me."

I held his hand firmly and sat upright. "I can't do this."

He shoved his other hand on his head and bit his lower lip. "Why? I promise I'll be slow this time, you're going to enjoy it."

I thought my attitude towards everything was going to give Trent the idea even without me explaining myself too much. But he didn't get it, he was so desperate for pleasure that he didn't notice I was getting irritated. So I decided to spit everything out, to tell him the damn truth.

"I'm a virgin," I drawled.

Trent rolled his eyes heavenward in disgust. "So?"

I felt his hand leaving mine slowly, and everything fading into some sort of dark hole.

"See, it doesn't matter if you're a virgin. I mean." He scoffed. "I can still get the hang in there and you'll love it."

Trent sounded like a total jerk and I was trying not to get offended by it. "I'm not just ready for it." I took in a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. "I'm not ready for sex."

Trent hissed and stood up from the bed, he made his way to grab his phone from the table, and with that, he left the room. I stood up slowly and made my way to the door calling after him.

But he was gone. I walked out of the room looking for Trent, after looking around for him. I made my way to the living room and saw him sitting among two guys which I recognized as Thomas and Dylan they were talking about something and were laughing.

I prodded to where he was, the moment I took a step further, I wished I would disappear. The entire crowd in the living turned toward my direction, their eyes weirdly loomed over me, the music suddenly stopped and I was starting to feel uncomfortable.

My gut crimped into knots as the thought of their expectation became dawn to me, it was almost like they knew what was about to happen. "Trent, why's everyone staring my way." The word fell out of my mouth at a snail's pace. And beads of sweat gathered on my forehead.

Trent looked away and went on typing something on his phone. He filled his shot glass with liquor and emptied it.

"Trent," I mumbled in teary eyes. It was the greatest embarrassment ever, the thought of when Trent told me he loved me came rushing in. "When you told me you loved me, that was a lie right?"

Trent scoffed without a word, a devilish smile placed on his lips as he continued typing on his phone.

"Girl, that was a big, fat deadly lie," someone from the crowd shouted.

Everyone in the room started laughing. Tears finally spilled over my lashes and I wiped them away. I made my way to the door with my heart shattered into pieces.

"I can't believe she believed him, she's so naive," a girl standing next to the door whispered to another girl.

I grabbed the knob of the door and wiped the tears in my eyes with my other hand.

I made my way back to my dorm feeling like shit, I wrapped my hands over my chest as tears rolled down my cheek. None of this was fair and I hated feeling that way, I hated myself.

Sawyer was already asleep when I came into the room, I threw my purse on the table and went to my bed with face first into my pillow. I wanted to stay like that forever and maybe suffocate and die.

But I couldn't kill myself because of a guy, so I took out my phone and typed a message to Shane.

You're right, Trent didn't love me. He was just after something else.
I'm a douchebag, a bigger fool for not believing you.

I threw my phone on the bed and cried my way through the night.

Okay, okay. Trent was a bad dude. Jeez. Funny enough, guys like him exist in this world. I call them mistakes, they are like a predator hunting for prey (which happens to be the naive good girls) At least now we know what Trent's true intentions were, and poor Noelle was blinded (laughs) she used to be me.

Well, that was a heartbreak💔

What do you think about this chapter?

Do you think Noelle was too naive?

Did she learn her lesson?

So many questions.

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