Defeated by Two Girls

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They both looked at me together.
Priyanka walked towards me and rubs my hair, taps my cheek.
Meanwhile Alisha brings both my hands behind my back. I could feel a cold metal latch on to my wrists tightly and soon on to my other wrist aswell.
I was firmly handcuffed to the chair I was sitting.

Priyanka: Sounds great! When will he get back to his senses?

Alisha : In about a hour.

I was afraid of girls for the first time in my life. I have never been scared of any girl but now i started to feel extremely nervous and anxious out of fear.
I've insulted & Humiliated Alisha beyond words & priyanka on the other hand. I've always been very misogynistic & arrogant with her. I had no idea what they are going to do me .

Alisha leaned in close to my ears and whispered
"Your life is never going to be the same again. I'll make you pay for for everything you've done"


I closely regained my senses!
I felt extremely broken, weak and disoriented , I have never felt like this in my life. I always felt a sense of pride and power when I was dressed up in my business suit and tie. I felt vulnerable and have lost all my confidence.
Fully aware that these girls have stripped me off all my wealth & possessions.
They've taken over all my bank accounts, assets, cars, every damn thing.
I'm completely at their mercy now.
Fuckkk what have I gotten myself into?
I can't fucking swallow my ego and beg them. These bitches are trickers!

I heard the sound of their heels approach towards my room.. oh fuck these bitches are here!
The Knob opened and they entered. Their aroma filled the room.

Wtf have you guys done to me?..... you fucking bitches

Priyanka: oh nothing, my handsome fiance, we just took all your possessions from you

Alisha: All of your money. Your business, your CEO title..

Priyanka: Your house, all your fancy cars & bank accounts

Alisha : Well she even included your suits & ties, shirts, pants, expensive watches & belts,shoes and perhaps even your underwear and socks hahaha. We stripped you off everything you own!

Wtf wdym?
Priyanka.. No...... you can't do this to me.
Wdym you've taken all my possessions
Those are all mine.

Priyanka: Well not anymore, everything belongs to us now!

Alisha: Thank you, rich boy haha. You just made us super rich!

Priyanka: You've lost all your powers and assets to us Josh, it's over!

Alisha : Yup. Bet you heard everything we spoke & felt everything we made you do.

You fucking hoes, let me go.. I'll fuck you guys up.

They both started to laugh at me as if I was a child throwing tantrums.

Alisha : Seriously? You're trying to threaten us?

Do you guys even know who you are playing with? I'm a fucking CEO, you're messing with a powerful guy.

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