Girls Strip Him off Everything!

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Priyanka : I want to give him a tight slap for being an asshole!

Alisha : We'll do that and lot more babe. But we have less time! Let's do what's planned and then we'll no longer need any drug to control him.

Priyanka : Yeah. Sounds great! Let's fuck him up mentally first. Break him down, take away everything that gives him this superior complex.

Alisha : Exactly! After that he's all ours babe. He can't even stand up against us. He'll be so ruined and fucked up.

Priyanka : Alright.. Let's do that!

Alisha : So shall we start?


Priyanka takes out a bunch of papers from her handbag and places them on the table right infront of me.

Alisha : Have you prepared everything? Like how I have mentioned.

Priyanka : Yes babe. Everything is perfectly drafted according to the law. He can't escape

Alisha : Perfect! Grab his right thumb. Get the ink stamp!

Priyanka grabbed my right thumb
and alisha starts to put my thumb in the stamp and post my thumb impressions on the papers.

Priyanka: Will thumb impressions work?

Alisha : Yes! They do hold up. We'll get him to sign everything else later too if needed.

I couldn't move or even flinch. I knew they are getting me into a lot of trouble. They were all legal papers!
This went on for another 45 minutes. Hundreds of papers, Priyanka kept flipping the pages while Alisha just kept forcing my thumb impressions on them.

Alisha : Uff babe... I'm so happy but this is too tedious haha

Priyanka : just focus on the fun that is to come.

What are these two bitches getting me to agree?

All the papers in the bundle gets my thumb impressions. Alisha grabs both my hands behind the back of my chair and makes me sit firmly.

Priyanka: So there is just one more bundle like this Alisha

Alisha: Ufff. So we're just half way done?

Priyanka : Yeah. So this one had the transfer papers for his business, the ownership transfer for his office property, factory, vehicles, building and everything else
So technically we got him to sign over his company, business ownership and business assets too. All of it!

Alisha : What his company bank accounts and funds?

Priyanka: Yes done! Everything is transferred.

Alisha : That's fucking awesome.

Priyanka : So one of us has to sign these papers and it's all over.

My eyes widen. I tried my best to move, do something. But I was completely powerless. These two girls in no time stripped me off my business, company and all its assets & money.
I wanted to scream and turn over the table but I could barely flinch.

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