CHAPTER 2 : Invade The Palace

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"Leo, Leo...the palace is under attack, let all hear the war cry" painted one of the soldiers.

"okay" the palace guard run to the tower and rang the gigantic bell signaling that the palace was under attack.

The palace guards run to help the soldiers.

"vines, vines, these are vines" shouted one soldiers.

one soldier opened the forest gates and found three witches chanting.

"witches!!!!!" and suddenly all the soldiers along with the palace guards ran after the fleeing witches.

At the main castle gate, A black robed person entered the castle.

"hey you, stop there" a palace guard pointed his sword .

The man robed in black smirked "you are trained to be fearless and brave. Yet I can sense your fear. you reek of fear"

"Who are you" mumbled the palace guard.

The man robed in black turned "instead of telling you, how about I show you".

The mystery man then run on the wall and tried to hit the guard but he rolled over and then shot the sword at the mystery man.

But the sword stopped mid way just before it could pierce the man.

" I see you've fortified your swords to suit your killings " said the mystery man.

His eyes glowed "reversio" and the sword shot back piercing the stomach of the guard.

The mystery man then made his way into the kings quarters.

The king was busy painting when he felt like he was being watched.

"I know you are here, you don't need to use your shadow magic" said the king.

The man robed in black appeared from the shadows "well it seems your hearing has gotten better, kastron".

" oh I get it now, so you distracted my guards and soldiers so that you can infiltrate my palace. that's stooping so low especially for you" smirked the king.

"well as much as I love compliments, sometimes simply thinking is better than strength.And you would know that if you had a brain" sniffed the mystery man.

"says the man who consciously walked into a well armored place deadly enough to kill him" smirked the king.

The king then grabbed his sword and shot it at the mystery man but he moved in time thus making the sword pierce the wall.

"it's cute when you think you can kill me that easily,kastron, "

The mystery man was interrupted by the shouts of the palace guards" the king is under attack"

The king smiled "well looks like your time is up. if I were you I would run"

The mystery man smirked "The fact that I decided to outsmart them doesn't mean I can't turn them into shadows.. If any of your guards enter, trust me, it will be their funeral".

The king asked " so why the visit today"

The mystery man replied "be prepared for WAR"

The king smiled "if there are any brains left among you ,you would know that your kind will never win this war"

The mystery man walked towards the window "kastron, remember that anger fuels magic and we sorcerers and witches are very angry.

The mystery man then transformed into a raven and flew away .

" fly all you can now before you become a flightless bird" cackled the king.


Few months later,

" Ruby, where is my husband "

"right here morgana" replied her husband.

"oh okay, I just wanted to see if you had gone back to the palace again so I could scold you". morgana kissed her husband.

Morgana removed her husband's hand and tried to grab a plate when her body started glowing and her hands started to sparkle.

Her husband noticed it " morgana, did your hands just sparkle."

"yeah and it felt like electricity was running through my veins" .

"this can only mean one thing, my dearest wife has been blessed with a child " shouted Morgana's husband.

"I can't be pregnant, if I was then "

Her husband interrupted "then that would be happening"

Morgana turned around and found the puddles of water floating in thin air.

Morgana rubbed her stomach"Mi Precious"

Her husband shouted "pull up the straw huts, and kill the fattest cow we have and prepare a feast. Today, we shall dine. For my wife is pregnant.


" king, king kastron" panted one of the maiden.

"what is it, is there a problem" jawed the king.

"the queen...the queen....collapsed in the fields today...and ...has ...been taken to her chambers and is right now being checked by the royal doctor" exclaimed the maiden.

The king pushed the maiden aside and rushed to the Queen's quarters.

but before he could Barge in , the royal doctor came out.

"can I talk to you, in private" asked the doctor.

The king dismissed the servants and guards.

"is something wrong with my queen" asked the king.

The royal doctor sighed " well my king, what to tell you now is that your wife, our queen, is mildly ill and if precautions are not taken she might become gravely ill.

she is to be cut off from working on the fields, she needs to rest".

"royal doctor, I have tried to cut her off but my wife will only do as she pleases. so I think hearing it from you might change her mind" said the king.

The royal doctor sighed "well I could but I think it's better if she heard it from you. Your wife has to be cut off from field duties and work because she is now eating for two".

" what!!"exclaimed the king.

"Are you saying that my wife is "

"Yes, my king. Your wife is pregnant" interrupted the doctor.

And just like that , the King's face lit up with joy.

The king later entered the Queen's chambers.

The king then wrapped his hands around his wife and cuddled her.

"you are never this clingy, tell me what did the doctor say" asked the queen.

"he said a lot of things but one keeps ringing in my ear " she is eating for two" ".

" Does that mean I'm "

"yes, a new dawn is coming and we shall have someone to fight side by side with" smiled the king.

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