Except tonight he'd bought out the entire place for them. So whatever pride she's feeling about his growth was mislead but he wasn't about to disappoint her.

When he got in the car besides her, immediately she leaned against the console and looked at him with her long lashes batting at him. "You didn't kiss me."

Dominik immediately hummed with a softened look in his eyes, about to lean forward when Salina looked at him sternly. "Gently," she pointed at his face.

The Russian man groaned impatiently, hovering his mouth over her own. Salina sighed and darted her tongue out to trace his bottom lip before pecking him softly.

"Want you so bad," Dominik murmured.

Just as he slid his hand up to the nape of her neck, Salina pulled away with her arms crossed. She glared at him as if they hadn't just shared a tender kiss.

"You promised me a date, Dominik."

Growling, Dominik started the car. "You can't even humor me?"

"When I humor you, one of us ends up naked."

Dominik side eyed her, his lips almost twitching up because he knew she was right. "I know, my sun. We'll have a good night and then one of us will humor the other. Or better yet- we could humor each other."

Salina rolled her eyes, waving him off so she didn't entertain his bad behavior.


"Holy shit, Dominik," Salina spun around the lavish greenhouse. Lights hung from walls and ceilings providing dim, ambient lighting above them as Dominik led her through the overwhelmingly beautiful plants.

In the center of it all, there was a circular table set up just for them. They had the entire place to themselves.

Besides the smaller table where they would sit was a bigger one with trays of food that was covered. Above them there was speakers playing music quietly, her eyes were wide as if she couldn't believe they were here.

He tugged her close by her hips, feeling her warmth pressed against his chest. Salina beamed up at him, "This is insane, Domo. I love it, I love it all so much."

Dominik hummed, "Yeah? I did good?"

"You did amazing, holy shit. I wish I could make our garden look like this," she gripped his hands and tugged him towards the table. Her husband pulled out her chair for her before grabbing some of the food. Salina clapped excitedly as they both sat down for dinner. "How did you even find this place?"

Her favorite pasta was in front of her, Dominik's own meal was a steak. As soon as he was finished cutting it, he held up a piece for her to taste like she always liked to do. Salina hummed thankfully as she tasted it, doing the same for him.

"Knew a guy," he grunted. He looked around the large plant nursery.

"You want these for the house?"

"The what?" she glanced away from her white wine. "The plants- the flowers," he gestured around. "I'll have someone bring 'em to the house."

Salina scowled, "No we're not buying our way into a nicer garden. I want to grow everything nice myself." Her pouty lips frowned up at him as she leaned her arms against the table.

Dominik nodded in agreement, grabbing her hand and rubbing the back of it gently. "You're right, eсолнышко. We can go this weekend and get some new things for it, yes? I'll help you."

Her brows rose, he watched her excitement brighten her face. "Really? You haven't had a weekend off... ever actually."

Dominik lifted her knuckles up to kiss them gently, "I know, I'm sorry you deserve more of my attention." Salina gave him a gentle grin, "Stop, you're doing good."

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