Nightly visit

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As I enter the window for my nightly visit, I saw a boy staring at me.

As a ghost, I know that most people's reaction would be scared. They would shout really loud to alert everyone in the house or collapse in fear.

My decision to turn back and leave was immediate. I didn't hear the boy's shout but I am sure he must be weeping in fright by now.

The next night, I came again for my nightly visit. I saw the boy sleeping by the staircase, holding a camera. He must be waiting for me and want to received a proof of my existence.

I went to the camera and touched it with my cold hands and just like that, it broke.

"I'm sorry." I whispered to the boy.

His eyes flung open and he look at me in shock.

He is about to shout but I controlled his body, making him feel cold and tricking it to freeze by its own.

I put my finger before my lips and, "Shh."

He nod at me to which I reply with a smile.

I float towards the room I came for and by the light of my candle, I saw his shadow following me.

As I open the door, the boy got enough courage to ask, "This is my grandfather's room?"

Inside the room, there is a framed picture of his grandfather in an altar with unlighted candles.

I felt the boy slowly moving behind me so I look at him with a smile, "Not scared anymore?"

"Y-you're beautiful."

"So are you." I reply and the boy smiled.

"Do... do you know my grandpa?" He asked.

I place down the candle on the altar. "He was my fiance, a long time ago."

"Are you my grandma?!" He's loud.

"Shh... I died before we can get married."

I float and sat in front of the altar and the boy did the same.

"How come you were waiting for me? Do you want to show me to your family or friends?" I ask.

The boy opened his mouth to answer, "That... a-you.. you were so beautiful so I wanted to see you again."

I smile at him before standing and floating out of the room.

"Where are you going?" He ask as he follows.

"Visiting time is over."

"Will you come again?" He ask as I float at the window.

I turn back to him and shake my head before jumping out. I saw how his face turn into disappointment before I blend again with the darkness.


Art: Ghost by obereg on DeviantArt

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