It's hard to be kind sometimes

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Our neighbor is very bad to us.

Earlier this morning when I woke up, I started brushing my teeth. I heard her call out from the outside of our house.

I didn't answer because first, I was brushing my teeth, second, I felt like she deserved to wait because she's a bad neighbor and third, I really don't wanna deal with her.

But I keep thinking of what Cinderella's mother said, "Always be kind."
I agree with that, there are many times that kindness could've saved me if I didn't acted like a brat.

I also remember that word forgiveness, I should forgive what she did before.

I'm still reluctant as I finished brushing my teeth when I heard our dog barking so loud again and again.

I go outside to check just to see our neighbor standing in our yard. She's taking one of our small straight bamboo.

When she saw me she said she took one of our wood.

I said my mom's not here, we should tell mom first.

She said she'll tell mom later.

I said I don't know if mom still needs that bamboo and she said it's only one and she'll use it just for her to elevate where she hangs her laundry.

Resigned, I let her took it and go back inside our house.

It's hard to be kind sometimes.

•Not a work of fiction.


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