I remember the time when fairies were real.

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I would bike with the guide of my guardians. Would just watch the caterpillars on our garden's plants. When I still wonder what is a thing I saw, what uses or if it could grow.

When I would just wake up, not worrying on what this day would bring. That I can get a wooden sword, adventure against my imagined foe.

I would dance under the eaves, the trees are witness as I sing. My mother would call for me to eat, slowly the sun would shine its brightly gleam.

Would then play under the sun, or sleep on that after warm. I would then help someone, curious on what will come. Asking questions on my demand, point by point the explanation would come.

I miss that time when my mom taught me, not assuming I would immediately understand a thing.

'A red eye fairy is bad and a green eye fairy is nice.' is what she said, I miss the time where fairies were real.

#Wind: Photo not mine.

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