Kauis nodded in understanding and replied, "My Lady, I believe the Library of Malphas is the place you should visit. It is filled with countless volumes and manuscripts that may hold the answers you seek. It is on the west wing of the Manor. I'll escort you there if you wish."

Vettriana appreciated Kauis's guidance and shook her head. "Thank you, Kauis. But I shall do this to myself." With renewed determination, she followed Kauis instructions on her quest for knowledge.

As Vettriana arrived at the Library of Malphas, she were greeted by an awe-inspiring sight. The grand doors creaked open, revealing a vast and majestic chamber filled with towering shelves of books. The library was vast and had a sense of ancient mystery, and it was clear that it hadn't been attended to in years.

The books were in disarray, some nearly falling off the shelves, others covered in layers of dust. It was evident that this library contained hidden knowledge, secrets of the Malphas family, and ancient magical texts from the wizarding world.

 It was evident that this library contained hidden knowledge, secrets of the Malphas family, and ancient magical texts from the wizarding world

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Vettriana walked down the central aisle, her fingers lightly brushing the spines of the books as she glanced around the chamber. She was determined to organize this trove of information and uncover the secrets that lay within. This was the first step in her quest to understand her legacy and forge her own path in the world of magic.

As the years passed, Vettriana became completely absorbed in her task of studying the Library of Malphas. She showed an incredible dedication, maturity, and determination that surpassed her years. With each passing day, her knowledge grew, and her understanding of magic deepened.

At the young age of 6, she began her journey in the library, and now, at the age of 17, she had grown into a poised and confident young witch. Her once childlike features had matured, and her eyes sparkled with the wisdom and insight she had gained from the countless books she had read.

She was known among the manor's staff as the young lady who spent hours upon hours in the library. Vettriana became an enigma, a figure of knowledge and curiosity, an heir to a forbidden family seeking to uncover the hidden secrets of her legacy.

With every book she read, every piece of knowledge she absorbed, she came one step closer to understanding the mysterious history of the Malphas family and discovering her own place in the magical world. With each book she devoured, her magical abilities grew stronger, and her understanding of her unique powers deepened.

Vettriana was no longer the innocent child who entered the Library of Malphas.

Her body becomes a dangerous sight for men in the village, or at the place she visits. They found her magnificent and extremely beautiful but dark. She is beyond compare to be with them.

(Her dress at the top)

Vettriana visit a mysterious and eccentric shop known as "Arcane Relics & Shadows." This shop is concealed in a hidden alley accessible only to those with magical knowledge. The store is dimly lit and filled with an array of enchanting and dark artifacts. It's known for selling unusual and rare items such as ancient spellbooks, ornate potion ingredients, unique magical creatures' specimens, and intricate dark art decor.

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