Uta | Music Of My Life

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Requested by: George290508


The Red Haired Pirates, one of the most feared pirate crews in the world were currently sailing to an unknown location. Shanks, the captain, came onto the deck. He looked a bit concerned so his first mate, Benn Beckman approached him.

Benn: Captain? What's wrong? You seem a bit upset.

Shanks: I am... I just miss Uta. It's been years since I've last seen her.

Benn: It must be hard for her as well.

Shanks: Can you get (Y/N)?

Benn: Sure.

He went to the middle of the ship and used a rope to ring a bell. The bell rang at the top of the crow's nest where (Y/N) was on the lookout. He had his headphones on and he was listening to Uta's songs. He heard the bell ring and looked down.

(Y/N): What's up?

Benn: Captain needs you.

(Y/N): Coming!

He grabbed a rope and slid down to the deck in a swift and smooth motion. He landed on the deck with a thud and smiled.

(Y/N): How can I help?

Shanks: (Y/N), you've been with us for a couple of months now and you've already proven yourself as someone strong and someone who I can trust.

(Y/N): Oh, you're making me emotional!

Shanks: It's true, and because of that, I'm giving you a special mission. One that you will like.

(Y/N): It shall be done, captain! What is it?

Shanks: I need you to bring Uta here.

His mouth hung open when he heard that.

(Y/N): Say what now?

Shanks: (Chuckles) I know you like her songs. That's why I've chosen you for this task. Bring her back here. For a couple of weeks.

(Y/N): Back? Did she sail with you?

Benn: You didn't tell him?

Shanks: I wanted it to be a surprise.

(Y/N): I-I'm not following you guys.

Shanks: Uta is my daughter, (Y/N). Well, adopted but I love her as if she was my own.

(Y/N) couldn't believe what he was hearing. First, he got a mission to get her which would allow him to meet her and now he finds out that his captain is her father.

(Y/N): I... What?!

Shanks: So? You're gonna do it?

(Y/N): Of course I'm going to! I'll find her and bring her back... For you of course.

Shanks: (Smiles) Uh-huh... Sure. Well, get going then. I'll send you a message on where we've docked.

(Y/N): Cool. Let me go grab my stuff real quick.

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