Chapter 5

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Madara's emotions still simmered, his encounter with Precht having stirred a rare, intense anger. As he walked away, he took a deep breath, attempting to quell the tempest within him and regain his composure.

Just as the storm inside him began to subside, a gentle hand found its way to his, and Madara turned to see Ur by his side. Her presence was a soothing balm to his turbulent emotions, and he couldn't help but offer a small, grateful smile.

Ur looked into his eyes with concern, her own filled with love and understanding. "Madara, what happened back there? You seemed so upset. Is everything okay?"

Madara sighed, relieved to have Ur beside him. He gently placed his hand on her belly, where their unborn child rested, feeling the comforting presence of their family. "It was nothing, my love. Just a situation that got a little out of hand. But it's over now, and all that matters is us and our child."

Ur nodded, her heart filled with a mix of emotions. "I trust you, Madara, and I know you'll always protect us. We're in this together, no matter what challenges may come our way."

Ur's surprise was palpable as Madara revealed the name of the old man he had encountered, and her exclamation left him intrigued. The pregnant woman had widened her eyes, her voice laced with shock.

"Precht... Gaebolg?!" Ur exclaimed, her hands resting on her belly as if to shield their unborn child from the shockwave of information. Madara raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued by her reaction.

"I presume you know of him?" he inquired, his tone neutral.

Ur nodded, her expression a mix of astonishment and concern. "Yes, I do. He was one of the founders of one of the biggest and most influential guilds of them all, Fairy Tail."

Madara's eyes narrowed as the significance of this revelation sank in. He had declined Precht's offer without fully comprehending the old man's background. "Fairy Tail, you say? That makes this encounter even more curious."

Ur nodded, her voice tinged with unease. "It does, Madara. Precht Gaebolg is a name that carries a lot of weight in the world of magic and guilds. We should be cautious and keep an eye on any future interactions with him."

Madara agreed, his protective instincts renewed. "You're right, Ur. We need to be vigilant and prioritize our safety, especially now that we have our child to consider."

The days passed, and the encounter with Precht Gaebolg had left a lingering reminder in the back of Madara's mind. He couldn't help but wonder about the enigmatic old man, especially after learning more about his mysterious departure from the prominent Fairy Tail guild during one of his missions. The implications of such knowledge only deepened the intrigue surrounding Precht.

One evening, as Madara lay in bed with Ur, their thoughts turned to their growing family. The gentle moonlight filtered through the window, casting a soft glow on their faces as they discussed the possibility of names for their child, whether it would be a boy or a girl.

Madara's fingers traced absent patterns on Ur's abdomen, where their child was nestled. "I can't help but think about what name would be perfect for our little one," he mused, his eyes filled with a mix of wonder and excitement. "Do you have any names in mind, my love?"

As Madara and Ur lay in the soft glow of the moonlight, their thoughts turned to the names they might choose for their unborn child. Ur's suggestion of "Ultear" for a girl hung in the air, and it carried a sense of charm and nostalgia. Madara, on the other hand, contemplated a boy's name that held deep significance for him, a name he would honor his late brother with: Izuna.

Ur's curiosity got the better of her, and she inquired about the name. "Izuna? What kind of name is that?" Her tone was curious, and she couldn't help but notice a hint of faltering in Madara's expression.

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