Chapter 7- Lan Wangji's number two enemy

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Warning: Drunk Hanguang Jun

Chapter 7

"This way, sir."

Lan Wangji followed the male attendant through the hallway.

"You are very lucky, he's a beautiful omega. Is this your first date with him?"

Lan Wangji looked at him strangely and shook his head.

The waiter grinned and said, "Oh, good luck to you then."

Lan Wangji didn't want to reply to the man so he looked ahead and spotted the distinguished red silk scarf through a window of one of the semi-private rooms.

They approached the room and the male attendant left them.

"Hey, I almost didn't think you'd come."

Wei Wuxian greeted him, his bright grey eyes twinkling in the dim lights. It was a karaoke-like room, with some song playing silently on the TV. Lan Wangji sat down across from him.

"... aren't you going to say something?"

Wei Wuxian asked after a moment of waiting for some kind of response.

"What do you want." Lan Wangji finally said.

"I should be asking you that," Wei Wuxian said, frowning at him. "You said I use dirty tricks and then you have an omega go spy on me and my brother. What are you, a hypocrite?"

"That was a mistake," Lan Wangji said calmly.

"Well, yeah, now that you are caught," Wei Wuxian huffed. "I'll tell you now, nothing gets past me."

Before Lan Wangji could respond, the same male attendant appeared with some drinks. He placed a full glass in front of the alpha and a full glass in front of the omega. Then he placed a jar of wine in the center. He winked at the omega and left.

"Relax, I get it, you don't drink alcohol," Wei Wuxian said lazily before the alpha could even try to give him a look. "This is all for me, your glass is just water."

Lan Wangji studied the omega's face. Wei Wuxian huffed, "You don't believe me? I already know you're Mister 'Lie Detective' Lan Wangji, I won't bother lying to you. Besides, I'm not some kind of pathological liar that you are making me out to be!"

Lan Wangji was surprised to see that Wei Wuxian wasn't lying. His eyebrows relaxed slightly but he was still not fully convinced. Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes at him.

The omega reached for his glass and then paused and switched to the wine jar. Taking the entire jar, he untied the cloth and almost like a kid, giddily removed it, and took a giant gulp, holding the jar with both hands.

"Oh man, you don't know what you are missing," Wei Wuxian said, wiping his mouth with his arm. "This is one of the best wines in this club!"

" like alcohol." Lan Wangji commented.

"Thanks for noticing," Wei Wuxian grinned.

"Are you an alcoholic?"

Wei Wuxian snorted. "Um, no. I define an alcoholic as someone who drinks too much and too often and always gets drunk. I, on the other hand, can never have too much or too often and I never get drunk. This is practically flavored water to me." Wei Wuxian grinned.

"That's not good for you."

Wei Wuxian laughed, "No kidding? Though you know what's not good for you? Not smiling enough. I've also been telling Jiang Cheng that if he doesn't start smiling more often, he's going to go through a midlife crisis before he turns 35. And just imagine all the wrinkles he's going to get by then!" Wei Wuxian shuddered.

ENEMIES FIRST {Wangxian, Xicheng}Where stories live. Discover now