Trick or Treat?

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A/N: Happy Halloween!

Here's a little Chimera shipping treat for this holiday season. =3


Red Son gazed upon the Monkie Boy and Dragon Girl in awe, tears of joy welling in his eyes at their offer, his hair warmly glowed and flickered with soft flames. The demon never thought this day would come, he had hoped they would one day see the darkness and choose the path of villainy but had never expected it to happen. Nor could he ever anticipate that the two heroes would invite him to join in on an evil plan of their own making.

"Of course, I will join in on your crusade to extort civilians all across the city!" Red Son declared, nearly choking on his words as his chest swelled with pride.

"Well, I wouldn't call it extorting..." MK began, glancing over at Mei for assistance.

"We usually call it trick or treating," The dragon girl stated, with a twitching smile holding back a giggle. This was honestly turning out better than she expected, she had imagined the Bull Prince to call their yearly mission childish and turn down their request.

"Yes, Yes, I am aware of the modern way of celebrating all hallows eve." Red Son assured with a wave of his hand "Your party disguises themselves in costumes to not be recognized while going door to door demanding treats or trinkets in exchange for not harming the ones who reside there or their land," The fire demon explained.

"Huh, maybe it is low-key extorting?" Mei pondered out loud, with a slight nod of agreement towards Red boi.

"But legal, traditional extorting?" MK reasoned, with a slightly nervous smile.

"Now enough with the semantics" Red Son asserted "you two claimed to have a plan already constructed."

The Dragon Girl and Monkie Boy shared a devious smile that caused The Prince's heart to flutter and cheeks to warm.

Mei dashed to a nearby wall, pulling down a large map of the city, with coloured coordinated circles scattered all over it, as Mk rushed over with a handful of markers.

"Green symbolizes places that give out soda," MK began.

"Yellow are places that give out goodie bags," Mei added.

"Red is..." The Ponygirl started as The Noodle Boy used the markers in his hands to do some air drumming.

"FULL-SIZE CANDY BARS!" They both cheered.

Red Son nodded looking over the map, they had done a splendid job in recon, "and what does the blue symbolize?"

"Healthy snacks..." Mei answered in disdain, as MK stuck out his tongue in disgust.

The Demon Bull Prince's lips twitched upwards in a slight smile but used one of his hands to cover his mouth. It was a childish notion toward healthy food, but he could understand the sentiment. When you desired one thing... or two things, anything else only felt like a distraction or an obstacle towards your goal.

"So what is your plan of attack, where do we strike first?" Red questioned looking over the map, mentally clustering key areas together and calculating a route.

"Well, that's kind of the main part we need your help with..." MK explained with a shy, eager smile. "We both figured with your great planning skills-"

"We could reach our goal to collect the most Candy we ever have!" Mei declared with a fiery determination. "And become Halloween Candy Royalty!"

Red Son could feel both his cheeks and hair heat up as they both looked up at him with unwavering looks that held no doubt he was the perfect addition to their team.

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