Terrible Things Come To Those Who Wait

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Hongjoong had been planning this day for nearly two years. Not that he really considered himself romantic, more of an over-thinker if anything. The original plan had been to wait until after they debuted, not wanting to distract himself or distract Seonghwa or jinx the whole thing by making a move too early. He couldn't wait anymore though. Their debut was already fully confirmed, officially, they signed their contracts and KQ would be making the public announcement any day now. Besides, it wasn't a huge step, it was just one courting gift. So why did Hongjoong feel like throwing up during his walk to find Seonghwa?

Maybe because it had taken him two years to decide on a courting gift and he still didn't feel confident about it. Maybe because Hongjoong had never actually tried to court anyone before and had zero experience with relationships. Maybe it was because Seonghwa was so unbelievably out of his league it seemed more likely that the omega would laugh in his face than even try to pretend to be flattered by the gift. Fuck, there was no time to back out though. Hongjoong found Seonghwa and Seonghwa had already spotted him, waving him over. Just like always, Seonghwa looked absolutely breathtaking, even if he was a little sweaty from practice, and he was smiling so brightly at Hongjoong the lights overhead were nothing more than a waste of electricity. Hongjoong's heart pounded and did somersaults and jumped into his throat to be swallowed back down again. It was a miracle his hands weren't visibly shaking.

"What's that?" Seonghwa asked, his big, glittering eyes pointing down at the bag in Hongjoong's hand.

"Uh-... it's..." Hongjoong lifted it in his direction, feeling the back of his neck tingle with heat. "F-for you."

"Hm?" Seonghwa's eyes seriously somehow got even bigger. "For me?"

Hongjoong handed him the bag and literally held his breath while he watched, brimming with anxiety, as Seonghwa reached inside and pulled out the gift- a simple black Balmain sweatshirt. Seonghwa looked just a touch confused at first but then, again, widened his eyes at the brand name.

"Hongjoong-ah, why did you get this for me?" He asked, looking a little like a disappointed mom.

Hongjoong's heart sank and he actually felt like crying. "You don't like it?"

Seonghwa cracked a little half smile, paired with a short laugh. "It's too expensive, you shouldn't spend this kind of money on me."

A slight bit of relief washed over him. "O-oh, well... to be honest... I didn't buy it for you-"

Seonghwa cocked his head, eyes shrinking.

"-I mean, it was mine originally." Fuck, this was going horribly. "I thought... you would..."

His eyes beamed again and the smile widened. "I guess that's okay, then."

Hongjoong let out the breath he'd been holding, giving an awkward little half smile of his own.

"Okay, uhm, I'm gonna go then, I still have some work to wrap up in the studio." He felt even more awkward now, feeling hotter and hotter under Seonghwa's eyes. "I'll see you at the dorm?"

"Okay." Seonghwa laughed again, setting Hongjoong's heart on fire. "Good luck!"

Hongjoong nodded and spun around on his heel, trying to keep a normal pace as he walked away instead of booking it down the hall. After rounding the corner, he waited a minute (a full sixty seconds, he counted), Hongjoong peaked back around. Seonghwa was right where he left him, looking over the sweatshirt with that same beautiful, goofy smile plastered on his face, then, lifted the shirt to his face to smell. Hongjoong's heart fluttered again, feeling like it might lift out of his throat and fly away like a bird. He had to bit his lip not to make any sound and opted, instead, to shiver his way back to the studio to release the energy bubbling inside of him. He used to wave his hands when he got like that but, apparently, they stopped being 'cute happy hands' and started being 'obnoxious and childish' around the time he became a teen and his parents had heavily encouraged him to stop doing that.

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