Rock Bottom (H.S.)

Start from the beginning

I laid on my back against the concrete, the impact forcing the air from my lungs in a loud groan, and I squeezed my eyes shut, patting the ground beside me with an outstretched arm until my hands felt the body of the fugitive, knocked out beside me, and I dropped my arm.

Got 'em.

"Y/l/n! Are you okay?!" I heard a worried voice shout, forcing my eyes opened to find Steinfeld leaning over the balcony railing with a concerned look on her face, and I lifted a shaky arm with a thumbs up before quickly letting it fall to my side.

"Never better.." I mumbled, and she anxiously nodded her head.

"Hold on! I'm coming!"

Oh, brother..

Only a few seconds goes by before I hear footsteps approaching from behind my head, and I open my eyes to see her kneeling to the ground, leaning over from behind. Her hands soon found my cheeks, her eyes scanning my body while mine widened at the closeness.

You know what?.. She's not half-bad looking up close..

"Did you hit your head? Are you bleeding? Do you think you can still move?" she fired off rapidly, her eyes searching mine frantically while my jaw hung open, my lips unable to form a response. "Uh..."

"Oh god, you definitely hit your head."

Sure.. That's what it is.

Before she could question anything further, our attention was pulled to the man beside me who quickly jumped to his feet, running to take off. But Steinfeld confidently reached a hand to her belt, pulling out a taser from her hip and firing it at the man, causing him to collapse to the ground.

"You have a taser?!" I threw a hand up from the ground in slight jealousy, but also wondering why the hell she didn't pull it out sooner, and she causally shrugged her shoulders. "You don't?"

"No, but maybe start with that next time," I scoffed, pushing myself to a seated position with a groan. Her hands quickly found my back, supporting me upward and I felt a chill run up my spine, as I slowly lifted my gaze to hers.

Her hazel eyes were bright and welcoming, looking at me with both a softness and confidence that made my stomach turn, but I didn't want to look away. She smiled after a moment, tilting her head to the side, hitting me with the realization that I had been staring for too long, so I awkwardly dropped my gaze.

"Sorry about the whole, fighting thing.." she trailed off, catching my attention. "And for letting you fall off the balcony."

We both let out a laugh, and I shook my head, pushing myself to my feet. "Nah, that's not your fault I'm clumsy. And I'm sorry too, about the fighting thing."

God, why am I so awkward?

"I'm Hailee, by the way," she extended her hand and I grasped it, giving a single shake. "Y/n."

There was an awkward silence between us, and I lifted a hand to scratch at the back of my neck, trying to hide the flush of red that I just knew was casted over my cheeks, but she didn't seem to share that same uncomfortable feeling. There was something magnetizing about her presence, her gaze drawing me in, and before I knew it, my face was inches from hers. Her eyes fell to my lips, then lifted once again, causing that flipping of my stomach to return, but before we could explore this feeling any further, we pulled away at the sound of our fugitive attempting to escape again, and she pulled the trigger on the taser once more.

"We should probably take care of him now," she whispered, and I bit back my smile with a nod, allowing her to be the one to step away and shift the focus on our assignment.

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