Prince Sivlorstein 2 🪞

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Warning Caution: mentions of harm, violence, and death.


"Lahronians help all the creatures including trees. As their water flows, so does kindness and joy on earth. They help different beings with their bitterness, sadness, anger, despair, sorrows. . ."

"Oh, you'll take away their sorrow then." -Prince Stein

"All of the beings who walked upon the Earth has different agonies inside them for a reason. We shall not take that because that what makes them what they are. We can only comfort and be there with them 'till it subside and healed."explained her Queen Mother.

The prince doesn't much care about the whereabouts of others. He was always in joy of the luxury he had been offered to. But seeing how her mother is alive (which still feel quite like a dream) and part of this other world away from his, it seems like being a prince here is quite heavier than he expected.
And at a young age, new environment leads to new perspective and bigger responsibilities.

What, I wonder, is the outcome to all of this?

In his days among the waters, he had been shown the situation of the local folks in his father's kingdom through the reflected water above this world. There were many sorrows than happy faces, many fights than stable friendship. That even having enough money doesn't really means happiness and peace.

"Why can't we be avoided from this darkness that swallows us apart?"asked the Prince, for the first time he was concerned about others.

"There is an unbalance balance in life. One shall be in light, the other in dark. The human soul fuses to that weight inside them."the Queen paused,"And for that, we don't know much except perhaps the one who started everything."

The prince felt what his mother was saying, he doesn't know how but somehow his soul seem to have awaken and spoken to him inside. For the first time since he had rode away from the castle, he suddenly misses home.

The Queen Mother might've feel the surging emotion in him that she reassuringly pat him on his back and look him in the eyes as if to say," 'Tis all right to go home." as she once again embrace him, and he found himself later on at the grounds of the palace near a flowing fountain.
For a while, he thought it must be a dream.
But one of their maidservant gasp at the soaking prince near the flowing body of water.

"Your Highness, it is not advisable to go swimming in this sacred fountain. The King has been worried sick for five days. If I may ask you, where have you been these days, your majesty?"asked the royal maidservant.

"You can see me?"the prince blurted out without thinking.

"Yes, yo-"

"No, never mind. Don't answer that. That's. .um. .a rhetorical question."explain the prince,"I have leave a note for father, didn't he had it?"

The maidservant bow and answered,"Yes, they received it your majesty. But the king insist on checking up on what you have been doing."

Prince Sivlorstein look around the place, he missed the luxuries and greetings of each servant as they bow down at him. For a while, as he walked on in his soaking clothes, he came back to his emotions of staying as prince for power. He had forgotten his mother or that lake water and decided to enjoy his bountiful life.

"I'll check up on things when that day comes I will be uncrown. For now, let me enjoy all of this with my life."he rationalize to himself, as he walked on to his chambers.

The King was in joy when he had heard the young prince was well. Along with that, his King father gave him a reassuring information for his future. He will still not be a prince for that was the royal proclamation but he shall be with his other brother Jan Vehron who had previously runaway from his duty. Jan became a merchant who travels around places with his flying contraption. He will be home for Prince Justinius' coronation.

Prince Stein was very pleased at the news and say to himself,"There's no need anymore to go to mother. And I'm sure, mother can take care of whatever is happening. Afterall, she herself said pain is inevitable. Those local folks just need to understand that and also I am not responsible for their lives."

The young prince then later feast himself with the bountiful delicious dinner being served to him. He had miss being royal. And so his heart laughs and shouts in joy for this beautiful service and life he have. What more could he ask for?

After he had finished his meal and then talked with his older brothers, he went to his sleeping chambers and rest himself. The soft pillows and the rich fabric of his belongings greeted him to sleep. It was relaxing and so he fell into his dreams. There was nothing more important now, perhaps, than to taste this prince life again.

In his deep sleep, he had a dream.

In his dream, he was in a grandiose garden filled with many different flowers, the best ones; roses, orchids, gardenia, peonies, etc. The place was built in the shade of gold and diamonds. Beside him, lay a tray of chocolates profiteroles that were rolled one after the other up to the sky. He without a second doubt, pick one from the tray which causes all the others to trampled over. An unfamiliar man, came over and grab him by the arm. The young prince notices his arms were much smaller and look more of a child's. That's when he realizes he was not himself but a child who seem to be the son of this unfamiliar man. The man shouted angrily at him,"Can't you ever do something right for once?!! Now, you've ruined it again! This time, you really need a beating."

He cowered away from the awful man but the hands grip his tiny arms tightly, a metal stick constantly hit him over and over again by the hands of an unfamiliar father.

"Stop! Stop!"ordered the young prince in hope.

But the man was in furious more for the food that has been in waste. He slap the metal stick in anger at his child; the deeper the grip, the more it hurts. Inside the child's mind shown a series of memories of constant beatings, even in small mistake will result to it.

The young prince as the child try to close his eyes. Miraculously, the scenario dissolve from his view. He let out a breathe of relief. Hoping not another scene of that angry unfamiliar father.
But suddenly, there were flickers of lights, and he once again was moving as the child.

"No, not again." Prince Sivlorstein complained.

This time, the scenario was night time and the child seem to have grown more height than the previous. The child opened a door which leads to that unfamiliar man's bedroom. The man was peacefully sleeping, Prince Stein once again move as the child as he stab a knife at the throat of this unfamiliar father. He almost puke inside at the alarming scenario that he can't control, only observed.

But just then, he woke up. . .

. . in a different room filled with many children sleeping around the place. He try to get away but once again, he was not in his body. The figure that he was  got up, the young prince feel the figure's tiredness and exhaustion about life. The female figure cook for the children and her husband with the food they have, but after that she went to a field and hanged herself in a tree. It was suffocating for the prince, it felt like he too died.
But then again he woke up, this time at his own marvel room. With his own tears running from his eyes. What more can he do about this misery? What more? What more?

He walked and walked and walked till his feet lead him to the sacred fountain of the castle.
Prince Stein look down and called for someone there.
There was no servant guard who seen him, for their backs are turned to the front of each hall. In his night clothes, the prince called and called and spoke to the water as the surrounding trees rustle its leaves. He cried and sung his apology on being forgetful that he was part Lahronian, that he shouldn't always aim for what he wants or his selfishness on luxury.

All evening, he weep and weep.


The next day, they found him lying near the sacred fountain.

The whole palace mourn for him. He was not anymore breathing when they found him in his night clothes. Dead like a vulture's meal, pale as a crow's opposite skin feathers.


The End.

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