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Bing bong bing bong first day of school!!

[Word count: 883]

Calliope and Risa walked side by side, their footsteps crunching on the gravel path that led them up to the grand gates of Hope's Peak Academy. The school was an imposing sight, its entrance flanked by tall, ancient trees that cast long shadows on the pathway. The morning sun painted the sky in shades of blue, making the world seem fresh and full of promise.

The trees lining the path were enormous, their gnarled branches forming a canopy that filtered the sunlight. Leaves rustled in the gentle breeze, creating a soothing symphony of nature's whispers as the two best friends approached the academy. The dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves gave the surroundings an almost magical quality, as if they were entering a whole new realm of possibility.

"Its massive compared to the high school we were at last year!" Callope exclaimed, bouncing with excitement, stickers seeming to trail behind her displaying her very emotions in stars and smiley faces.
"I guess." Risa smiled widely, "for how much you're paying to attend, it doesn't look too fancy."

Calliope giggled and risa smiled at her response being so outwardly excited, "Yeah but i get to be with you!" Calliope tapped Risas arm rapidly, and to return the favor Risa nudged her with her elbow, rejecting the affection but still acknowledging her best friend.

The gravel beneath their feet crunched with each step, a sound that echoed in the tranquil stillness of the morning. It was a sound that filled the air, punctuating the quietude with a rhythmic cadence, adding a sense of anticipation to their approach. It was as if the very earth underfoot welcomed them to this hallowed place of learning.

Risa, however, was not fully immersed in the tranquil beauty of the surroundings. She walked alongside Calliope, grumbling under her breath about the uniform she was wearing. "I can't believe they made us wear this uniform," she huffed. "I mean, brown? It's not even my color. It clashes with my hair, you know?" Risa had just dyed the underneath of her hair red to match her eye colour, and it indeed did clash with the shade of brown the uniform was. She pulled off her blazer and unbuttoned her shirt, "eh that makes it a little better."

Calliope couldn't help but smile at her friend's complaints, her gaze briefly drifting from the picturesque landscape to Risa's colorful personality. "Come on, Risa," she chuckled, "It's just a uniform. We're here for an incredible opportunity, a chance to excel and reach our full potential. I think we can bear with the color for that- oh and you're already taking it off okay."

Risa rolled her eyes and exhaled dramatically with a chuckle. "Pfft, when have you been so into opportunity and learning?"

"I'm not! maybe it's just the name of the school you know? 'Hope' and stuff." Calliope beamed at her best friend, they were nearly eye level so she didn't have to look far up at Risa, but she still liked to make her best friend feel more confident about herself so she over exaggerated how tall Risa actually was sometimes. "More like 'Despair', any school system is a bunch of bull-"

"-shit, its actual bullshit!" A red haired boy walked beside Calliope and Risa, practically saying the same words that Risa was trying to put out. The person this boy was saying these words to, seemed tired, achy, folding in on himself as if he was scared. Risa recognised him from their middle school, and Calliope excitedly called his name.

"LUNAAA!!" She pushed herself in between the red haired boy and Luna the little sleepy guy, she observed that Luna was uncomfortable and made the effort to pull him away from it. That left Risa to stand next to the red head.

"Yo! Are you in class 78?" He had many piercings and a goatee that was just barely growing in, his hair spiked up super saiyan style. "Yeah i am, you?" Risa responded, tilting her head in a way which made her look animated. "Hell yeah i am! I'm Leon." He outstretched his hand to her but Risa rejected it, walking slightly ahead of him. "I'm Risa." The boy stopped walking for a second.
"Risa.. as in Risa Lu? of the Lu family business? The heir to one of the most successful businesses in japan that is branching out worldwide??" Leon exclaimed, other students started to look over at her, one of them taller than most, blonde hair and rectangular white glasses, another had a stupid haircut that clearly suited that of a japanese biker gang, one final person who looked had a pale white face and long corkscrew hair.

"Yep." Risa responded with a smile, walking around him to stand beside her purple haired best friend.

As they neared the towering gates of Hope's Peak Academy, the anticipation and excitement in the air grew stronger. The academy, framed by those majestic trees, stood as a beacon of hope and promise in their education journey. Risa may have had some reservations about the uniform, though she seemed to have already made a friend. She and Calliope were about to embark on a journey filled with opportunities, challenges, and knowledge that would shape their futures, and nothing could diminish the grandeur of that moment.

Romance AU - ByakuRisaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang