The Chamber of Secret

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The rest of the day went on as use usual. Elysia was avoiding everyone and wasn't speaking to people. She was only doing her work by herself as well. Even going as far as to sit alone at the feast.

People chattering about their day, and such made Elysia tone everyone out. Which made her notice Harry and his friends were not there. It made her stop and wonder what they were doing. But she didn't think too hard about it. Finished eating before everyone was dismissed to go to their common rooms.

But the crowd stopped. Elysia didn't get time to react to what was going on. She was just standing there. On the other side, she saw Harry and his friends. There were just too many people crowding to even tell even if she tried to squint to read it.

"What's going on here? What's going on?" Filch yells.

He had pushed through the crowd. Then he saw Mrs. Norris. That was when Elysia knew that Harry and his friends would get into trouble. She hadn't noticed that while staring at the writing.

"What do you think the enemies of the heir mean? Or that matter what is the Chamber of Secrets?" Theodore whispers.

"I don't know," Elysia says back.

She couldn't read what was written. Though those questions were running through her head.

"You think we should figure that out. Maybe get some points before that Potter boy," Theo says.

"I'm in if that's the case," Blaise chirped in.

Elysia smirks and nods. She wanted to show Harry that Slytherin was something more than he believed. That she didn't need his opinion of her friends or who she hung out with.

The students were ushered out of the halls and back to their common room. But it was much more peculiar that the three of them rushed to the dungeons. Blaise pulls Elysia and Theo to his room.

Blaise's room was lavish. The walls were colored a marble of black and green. His bed was full. Much unique what she decided on for her room.

His bed was fitted with black sheets green covers and pillows. The bed looks so soft. That Elysia flops onto the bed.

"We need to get the History of Magic to read up about the Chamber of Secrets," Elysia says as curls up onto Blaise's bed.

"I got that," Theo says excitedly as he pulls out the book.

The three tried to find something. They stayed up all night trying to find something. However, it became difficult to do so. Elysia had fallen asleep on Theo's lap. Her hair was out and tangled with itself. Being that she didn't sleep on her usual silk pillows.

Blaise's legs were across hers, with paper of their theories of what the Chamber of Secrets could be surrounding them. Anyone would have believed that she was rather close to the boys.

"You are hard to find little one," Neferra hiss as she slithers up Elysia's arm waking up.

"How am I the one hard to find? Also, why are you out of your cage," Elysia whispers back slightly sleepy.

"It doesn't matter how I got out, there is something I need to tell you."

"And that is?"

Elysia slowly sits up and stretches as Neferra rests on her neck. She needed to fully wake up to prepare herself for whatever Neferra had to tell her.

"There is something in the pipes. I don't know what, but I'll tell you when I do," Neferra hiss.

"What?" Elysia says slightly confused.

"You can talk to snakes," Draco says interrupting Elysia's train of thought.

"I don't know. I've only been able to talk to Neferra," she says sheepishly.

"You know the only know people who are parseltongue are to be descended of Salazar Slytherin."

Elysia blinks and tilts her head. She was hoping for him to explain why that was important. It made no sense. Not to her anyway. She just found out she could talk to her snake not too long ago.

"I heard from my father that the heir of Slytherin will be able to speak in parseltongue," Draco says.

She blinks again. This could be added to the list of theories on the Chamber of Secrets. But as she was thinking about the possibilities, she noticed the way Draco was behaving. He had come here for something, but it seemed like he was just avoiding getting what he needed.

Elysia nudges Blaise and Theo awake in hopes of making Draco stay. But it was too late. Draco had already rushed out of Blaise's room. Leaving no signs of him ever being there.

"Lyse, it's too early to wake up," Theo groans as he stretches and sits up.

Elysia huffed. She had hoped for something from Draco. Even staying would have been nice. But what was she expecting? Draco didn't seem to admit to telling her the rest only that snip bit of information before leaving.

"I'm a parseltongue," Elysia blurts out not knowing what she meant by the words.

Theo jolts up from the bed. He stares at her wide eye before blinking rapidly. Then he gets a cocky smirk as he looks at her.

"Maybe you can control whatever the chamber hides," he says and lays her lap. "And it means we're much closer than the Potter boy."

Elysia smiles. Maybe she didn't have to worry too much. That it would be possible to find out much more than Harry. She enjoys feeling them like this even if it is going to be temporary. 

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