What do you mean

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For the past few weeks Sunoo ran to the bathroom and threw up , non of the members knew this since he didn't tell them about it
He decided to go to a doctor and get checked out so when the others went to dance practice to a song Sunoo wasn't in since it was their second song after given taken he didn't even know the name of the song

Sunoo walked to the doctors and sat down before he made an appointment,
His name was called and he followed the doctor to a room which smelled of medicine and other stuff he didn't know ,
"So Kim sunoo is it"
"Yes dr. Uhm what's your name"
"Oh my name is Dr.lee"
"So why are you here today"
"I've been throwing up a lot for the past weeks but it's only after breakfast time"
"Ahh okay I'm going to do a checkup on you so lay down and pull up your shirt a little"
Sunoo pulled up his shirt and layed onto the bed ,
He felt a cold sticky thingy on his stomach so he flinched at the sudden touch
"Don't worry Sunoo it's fine I'm just checking something okay"
"Yes Dr.lee" sunoo said feeling uncomfortable as the cold feeling was going round and round his stomach
"Hmm Sunoo have you been active lately done you know the dirty"
"Well I was drunk so yes I but it was weeks ago probs like 7 weeks ago not sure"
"Well Sunoo sorry to say this but you're pregnant"
"Well Sunoo only a few percent of boys can get pregnant since they have similar parts of bodys to girls and you're part of that percentage"
"Doctor I'm a kpop idol how are my fans going to react or even my members will I get kicked out of the group"
"Sun don't worry everything's going to be okay just make sure to not go to hard on yourself "
"Doc I'm leaving see you next time"
"Wait sunoo do you want the photo to see your baby before you leave"
"Sure fine I will"
The doctor printed out the photo of the little blob that's inside sunoo's stomach and passed it to him
Sunoo stared at the photo but didn't smile he didn't want the baby it would be hard for him since he's busy with the songs and concerts

He just left the doctors and walked back to the dorms luckily non of the members were there , he needed to make sure non of the members knew about him
He hid the photo under the bed where he keeps his secret things he locked the box where he put the photo and placed it back under his bed

Just then the members came back , he quickly stood up and Walked out of the room

"Oh hey sun was you sleeping" jake said walking up to sunoo
"No no I was just practicing my Uhm dance skills yeah that" sunoo lied he didn't want the members to know what actually happened
"Oh nice you don't need to your dance skills are on point and on top you're better than me" jake laughed so did sunoo buy it wasn't real

It was getting late in the enhypen dorms and sunoo went to bed earlier than anyone else so he can have more rest since he already knew what would happen in the moring it's been going on for weeks,

The next day ,
Sunoo got up at 5:39 rushing to the bathroom before he threw up luckily no one was awake to hear him
After all the throwing up he did he couldn't go back to sleep so he decided to go to the living room and rest there

A few hours later 9:26

Jay , jake and jungwon walked out of there dorms at the same time so they all walked to the living room to wait for the other members but when they got here they saw sunoo sleeping holding his stomach,
"Sunoo are you okay" jungwon said looking concerned
"Huh oh what did you say" sunoo said waking up
"Are you okay you're holding your stomach quite tightly" jungwon said pointing at Sunoos stomach
"Oh Im just cold so I'm trying to keep myself warm" he lied he was holding his stomach since they baby is hurting him badly
"Oh okay why are you here sleeping why didn't you go to sleep in your bed" Jake said
"I woke up early so I decided to come down here but I felt tired so I fell asleep here"
"Oh okay do you want to eat something"
"No thanks not hungry to be honest" sunoo knew he would just throw up the food he eats in the morning so he decided to not eat breakfast or even anything in the morning
"Okay if you say so I'm going to cook for the members I'll make some for you just in case you want some or change your mind but if not the other members can have them" jay said walking to the kitchen

••¤('×[¤ Mistakes ¤]×')¤••Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora