Hate you

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The manager waited for the new member to arrive and when he did he toured him around the company
It was now time to the members to see and meet the new member

The manager opened the door to the room with the enhypen members inside and told sunoo to wait outside

"Okay guys so this is the new member you can come in now" the manager said

Sunoo walked inside the room while looking at the floor since he was scared of multiple people looking at him ,
Once he walked in he stood next to the manager

"Guys this is the new member of enhypen"
"Hello I'm Kim Sunoo nice to meet you all" Sunoo said still looking at the floor

All the members bowed and greeted him except one

"Niki please take sunoo to the dorms you two will share a room" the manager said signing some forms for the dorms so sunoo can have a room

Niki just stood there not wanting to move or even take sunoo to the dorms he didn't even know him ,

Sunoo walked over to niki and tapped his shoulder ,
"You must be Niki nice to meet you I'm Kim sunoo I hope we get along" Sunoo said smiling at Niki
Niki didn't listening he wasn't even looking at sunoo he was looking at the wall ,
He finally stopped daydreaming and turned to sunoo who was waiting for him near the door
"Can you take me to the dorms now please Riki" Niki didn't like how sunoo used his real name how did he even know it in the first place jeez he wanted to slap him

Niki nodded and walked out the door with sunoo right beside him ,
They both walked out the company and went inside the car with fans surrounding it , oh yeah they would have to tell the fans about the new member joining or they'll ignore Sunoo

They arrived at the doors and Niki walked infront leaving sunoo behind carrying his bags full of clothes from his house,
Niki took sunoo to their room which they were sharing ,
It was a big room with 2 king size beds , large fancy windows and black curtains
The room was grey and with white wooden floors ,
Sunoo really liked the room it was better to the one he had in his old house

"Thanks for showing me here Riki" niki had enough he didn't want sunoo calling him by his real name
"Can you not call me by my real name it's really triggering just call me Niki" Niki said crossing his arms
"Oh sorry I won't call you Riki anymore can I call you Niki san"
"Sure whatever just not Riki"
Sunoo smiled and started to unpack his stuff whilst niki was in the dorms kitchen on his phone

Sunoo finished unpacking and as soon as he walked out his shared room the other members came back from practice

"Hey guys what have yall be doing whilst we were doing practice" heeseung said taking his shoes and jacket off
"Oh I unpacked my stuff and Niki was on his phone the whole time" sunoo said closing his shared room door

••¤('×[¤ Mistakes ¤]×')¤••जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें