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Once everyone was awake they all go ready and dressed up since they were going to a private party with only male kpop groups aloud in ,
There would be
Straykids , ateez , seventeen , treasure , cravity , txt and more
Once they were all ready they got into their private car ,

They arrive at the party ;
Once they arrived Sunoo was nervous he's never been to a party before what if he makes a bad impression
Sunoo sighed there was no going back now

"Sunoo hyung are you okay" jungwon asked
"Yes wonnie im fine just nervous ive never been to a party before"
"Neither have I don't worry we can get through this together"
Sunoo smiled and went over to the sofa where no one was

He sat down and picked up a cup of a drink he didn't know was in it , he didn't mind what was in it atleast it wasn't alcohol but oh boy it was , sunoo gets drunk easily so after one cup he was drunk
"Sunoo are you okay" sunghoon asked putting his cup down and walking over to the drunken boy
"He-he yes Niki I'm fine"
"I'm not Niki but okay" sunghoon was confused on why sunoo is calling him niki were they closer than we thought
Sunghoon just noticed that sunoo was drunk that's probs why he called him niki but it's fine

He took sunoo to a bedroom to rest , before he later sunoo down he made sure to give him medicine and some water ,
30 minutes later:
"Sunghoon where is sunoo" niki asked
"Oh he's upstairs sleeping" sunghoon said drinking water from a red,shiny cup
"Okay thanks sunghoon" niki said walking away and up the stairs

Niki went into every room and saw no sunoo but there was still one room but it was at the very end of the corridor, he found this corridor quite scary for some reason
He shook off the thought and went into the room to see sunoo laying on the bed with his eyes open
Sunoo heard the door open so he got up and walked over to niki and grabbed him and pushed him on the bed
"Sunoo hyung you're drunk get off me" niki said trying to get out of Sunoos arms but it was useless sunoo was stronger when he's drunk

Time skip 3 hours later ,
"Sunghoon where is niki and sunoo it's time to go it's getting late"< it was 8:40> jungwon said getting up from the sofa where he was hugging jay and Jake
"They might be upstairs" oh never mind there they are jake said pointing at the niki with sunoo in his arms sleeping

Niki walked over looking stressed and worried which made the other members worried ,
"Niki what happened is everything okay" jungwon said looking at sunoo
"Everything's okay just feeling a little drunk" niki lied he was a minor he isn't aloud to drink yet
"You drank niki but you're a minor" jay said crossing his arms looking angry at the maknae
"Sorry jay hyung I didn't know it was alcohol I thought it was water"

What actually happened before niki came downstairs with sunoo :

Niki woke up with a pain in his back he looked around and realised that he was naked and next to him was ..
A naked sunoo sleeping with a red face looking drunk still

Niki got up and got changed he needs to stay calm so the members don't worry about what happened well as if he was going to tell them

He knew that him and sunoo did the dirty but he didn't want to worry and scream he don't want to wake sunoo and other people who may be sleeping in the party

Niki got sunoo and got his clothes before taking him to the bathroom to get cleaned up ,
He cleaned Sunoos body with a wet towel after he did that he got Sunoos clothes and he helped sunoo get them on
Niki carried sunoo back down the stairs and walked over to the members

Back to reality,
"Niki no more drinking it can hurt you" jungwon said ruffling Niki's hair making it all messed up
"JUNGWONIEEEE MY HAIRRR" niki moaned angrily
"Oh niki so silly let's go home everyone" heeseung said walking away from the mess

Following behind heeseung everyone was walking out of the party ,
The Enhypen boys said bye to some of the members from seventeen and straykids before leaving
Back at the dorms ~
Niki took sunoo to their shared room and placed sunoo on his bed he placed the covers over him since he knew sunoo was sensitive to the cold , he stared at sunoo feeling guilty for what they did and Niki feeling bad for taken over sunoo's body
He then walked out your the room and saw the other members waiting for him on the sofa
"Niki come sit down let's watch a movie" jungwon said tapping the extra empty space next to him
Niki walked over to the older and sat down putting his arm over jungwon making jungwon slap his shoulder telling his to get off him
Niki laughed and let go of jungwons shoulder
An hour and a half later ,
The movie ended and Niki walked back to his shared room , he noticed sunoo had taken the blanket off so he walked over to sunoo and put the blanket back over him

"Sorry Sunoo hyung for what I did I shouldn't of taken over you but you're just so pretty you're like an angel who had just fallen from the sky I mean who wouldn't resist you" niki said kissing sunoo's cheek before going over to his own bed

Niki sat on his bed just staring into nothing
What will the members say if he told them
How will sunoo think even though he started it
What if they get kicked off the group
What if the fans start hating them
What will happen to enhypen if he told

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