"Never." Fayla laughs. "Plus Lance may have more information and I know it is something you must be curious on."

I nod slowly.

"Well you come back over when you are ready. Dinner will be ready within two hours or so."

I smile. "Would you mind if I came earlier to see how you make it? I am not a very good cook or well I can follow instructions from a recipe but sometime it's not good. I would like to learn."

"Of course. You can come in now or if you want to apply that cream and come over it's up to you."

"I will go home and change then be over."

"Perfect. Oh, little tip too don't shower just yet water can irritate it more so shower tonight right before bed after that cream has had time to settle and help."

"Thank you so much." I wave and take off for the house.

Excitement coursing through me that I will learn how to cook something and the fact Seth should be home in the morning. Today has definitely been interesting and now I know what is coming makes things even brighter.

Once home, I apply the cream then grab a pair of sweats. Once in the new clothes and feeling a little fresher, I make way back to the Falya's as the pain has already lessened and at least I can walk just about normal now, thankfully. Definitely on the fence if I will do this again or stick to the razor in the shower.

I knock on the back door and Fayla waves me in.

"I just got everything layed out and the meat cooking." Fayla smiles as I move to wash my hands.

She goes through how she seasons everything and preps what she can. As the food cooks she shows me how she makes up pudding and it seems easy enough. I ask questions and she explains on everything I ask with patience and caring.

Time flies by and we get the food on the table just as Callie comes barreling in. "Yay! I love lasagna."

"You and Seth both." Fayla laughs.

Lance comes in and we start to place food on our plates. I take a bite and immediately recognize it from the first time I had it the night we got here and was in the infirmary. It warms my heart even more that Seth had brought this to us as Fayla tells me about what he done to where now I know for a fact he had done it.

"So it should seem that Manto and Seth will be rescuing two others before they make their ways back tonight." Lance speaks up once the food is half eaten.

I look to him and furrow my eyebrows. "There were more there? Magnolia and I never knew." I shake my head.

"I think that was done by design since from what Seth stated they had been there just as long as you and your sister were. Just the fact they were kept seperated from you two. It should seem their leader kept you and your sister in one area and these other two in another."

My heart hurts for them. They have had to go through the same life we had and never knew they were there.

Years of being in that pack but knowing nothing other than what we could get our hands on for books. Years of not really having any actual friends and thinking they were the few we had but turns out it was all lies to where they kept us in a specific place and told our 'Uncle' if we done something wrong.

"Are they girls as well?" Falya asks.

"No." Lance clears his throat. "They are both men. One is barely younger than you Raine, as we found you on your eigtheenth birthday the oldest of the boys just turned eighteen within two days time now. The other is still only a teen himself. They were lead to be the other half of the sacrifices along with Raine and Magnolia."

Fayla gasps and puts a hand over her heart. "Those poor boys. I hope that Seth and Manto can get them here."

"They said they weren't leaving until they could. Plus they got most of the information we believe to be important and if they stay there much longer it could honestly become a danger to them. It was shear luck they passed the test they underwent because thankfully the pack doesn't know enough on wolves to hurt us."

"So they aren't wolves?" I speak up now.

Lance shakes his head. "No. They are Bruin."

"What?" Fayla asks before I can.


What in the sane rocks did they have us all for it makes no sense to me.

"We will know more tomorrow once they get back." Lance gives me a knowing smile.

Tomorrow can't come fast enough. I want my mate back and worried about him along with hearing everything from him on what I may not truly know.

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