Bunch of Hypocrites

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Everything is a blur. My legs are numb but I keep running without a destination. I am sure by now Dallas had gotten into the bathroom at the party and realized I made my escape through the window. My head is flooded with questions.

Did Dallas mean to find me at that party?

Did my brothers know I wasn't at home?

Did Ella get busted by her parents?

My chest was heavy and my breathing was hard. I did not know where I was going but I knew I couldn't go home. My mouth was so dry I swear I could taste the air. I came to a halt and tried to catch my breath. I had no idea if Dally was on my trail or not, he could have run out of the house in a completely different direction....he could have gone and gotten Darry.

Is it too late to move to Mexico?

I sat down on the curb. I was on some back street that had one street light, and nobody seemed to be around. I covered my face with my hands and let out a frustrated scream into my lap. I sat there with my face buried thinking about my next move.

All of a sudden I hear a car pulling up. I lift my head to see a blue Mustang driving slowly in my direction, the windows are down and I can hear a bunch of mumbled talking and laughing. "Shit" I mumble to myself. Socs. Maybe they won't see me, Maybe they will drive right past and pay me no mind. It was wishful thinking.

The car stops where I am still sitting on the curb. The driver Soc had one hand on the wheel. I took note of two preppy girls sitting in the back squished with another sweater-wearing freak. The driver turned to his friend in the passenger seat and slurred "Would you believe it, Bobby, we found a wild greaser girl out here on her lonesome."

I stood up. I could practically smell the alcohol fuming from the car. I was all alone and I was still so tired from running from Dallas. I have no blade or anything on me to protect myself yet for some reason I blurted out "Would you believe you smell like a liquor store".

Darry always said my mouth would get me in trouble.

My mouth betraying me once again always seems to be getting me in trouble.

"What did you say to me little bitch". The girls in the back for the most part stayed quiet but tried to calm the driver down.

"I'm sorry could you not hear me with that fresh perm?" I snarked. My adrenaline was pumping, not sure If I was still high or if I had some death wish. Just as I thought I was about to endure the same beating as Johnny had a couple of weeks ago I felt someone grab my shoulder from behind. I looked up startled and exhaled "Dally".

I can't believe he found me. I would have much rather dealt with my impending doom from the stupid Socs than from Darry. Dally wrapped one hand around my bicep ensuring I didn't make another run for it and put one hand on the roof of the Mustang. He leaned into the drunk Soc and so casually said "I think you best be on your way" and winked at the ladies in the back. With no hesitation or even a response, the car drove off and disappeared in the distance. I gulp.

Without speaking a word Dally starts dragging me back towards the house with a death grip on my upper arm. He was sweaty, probably from running around trying to find me.

"What the hell Bay, Honestly what were you thinking huh? Sneaking out? Going to a party? Did you drink huh? Did you smoke? Darry has been worried sick about you. Do you even know the time it is?" He was mad. He was just ranting. I thought it was my best bet to not answer any questions. He was just dragging me along, I was not picking up my feet which I knew was making him angry. The fact he wasn't smoking a cigarette right now spoke volumes.

"Please Dal don't take me home" I begged with tears in my eyes. "Say you didn't find me, that I wasn't at the party, please Dally stop." I dug my feet into gravel trying to come to a standstill.

His brows furrowed "Enough" he said sternly. We came to a stop and I looked at him with my best puppy dog eyes attempting to persuade him to just let me disappear to Mexico. He let out a sigh "Bug you are in too deep with this one, you messed up. You broke the rules and now you have to deal with the consequences." He spoke more calmly so I knew the eyes worked some magic. Just as he seemed to calm down and loosen his grip I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed....Seriously a lecture from Dallas Winston..rolling my eyes I spat under my breath "Bite me".

"Excuse me" Dally's jaw tightened and my work with the puppy dog eyes was out the window.

I brought my eyes up to meet Dally's which narrowed into a glare. His hand was still wrapped around my arm. "I just think it's funny that you try to lecture me on breaking rules when you did the same thing when you were my age. Heck, you still break the rules...you JUST got out of jail for BREAKING RULES. I went to a party. It's not the end of the world."

He kept his eye on my gaze and without hesitation responded "...and I am going to make sure you do not make the same mistakes as me."

As he pulled me along, my Converse shoes scraped against the gravel, making a shrill sound. I knew there was no escape, but I tried one last time, going limp and sitting on the ground. Dally stopped and looked down at me, releasing his grip. "You wanna act like a child? Fine, I'll treat you like one," he said, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Dallas stop" I screeched using my fist to bang on his back. He carried me the rest of the way home and when I heard the metal gate open in front of my house I accepted defeat.

The front door opened and once inside Dally took me off his shoulder and stood me up in front of the whole gang. All eyes were on me and If this was one of the cartoons Two-Bit watches I am sure smoke would be coming out of some ears. Darrell's body language screamed at me the second I looked up and I suddenly found our dirty carpet very interesting.

Soda spoke first "Are you a'ight Baylee" I nodded still looking at the ground. I could feel Darry's eyes still on me and I am sure his arms crossed over his chest. "Where the hell have you been"? Darry shouted his voice was stern. The question is all too familiar.

I cowered back and looked up at Dally with wide eyes wondering if he'd do or say anything to get me out of this conversation.

"Look at me when I'm talking to ya!" Darry snapped, making my eyes quickly move back to him.

I picked at my fingernails and looked up at him. "I....was just out with Ella." I could still feel all eyes on me but I was now only focused on Darry, scared to look away.

"You are grounded, Baylee you aren't supposed to be out with ANYBODY, especially sneaking out of windows in the middle of the night. Nobody knew where you were. God Bay do you just ever think."

All I could think to say was "Sorry".

Darry let out a sigh of frustration "Sorry? That is all you have to say right now? We have been all over town looking for you...Worried about you? You know I couldn't even call the cops..."

I interrupted his little spiel because I had heard it all before and was just annoyed. "I know I know because they would split us up and put me in a girl's home...Geez Darry you act like you never did anything wrong, All of you. You are nothing but hypocrites and if Mom and Dad were alive they would not treat me this way!" I glanced at Pony for any backup knowing he has dealt with the wrath of Darry since our parents passed too.

My eyes quickly went back to Darry he raised his voice "You are my responsibility now, and what I say goes. PERIOD. Got that?" He pointed his finger at me. "Go.to.your.room.now." I let out a deep breath and stomped past Darry towards my room.

I heard Dallas yell in the background, "Try not to jump out of any more windows tonight." I slammed the door in annoyance.


Chapter Notes:

Not knowing when to shut up can get you in trouble sometimes. 

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