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march 19th, 2011 - london, england

rosie's pov:

i woke up this morning with a sore throat from my hangover. last night ended in the weirdest way possible. i only half remember it.

march 18th, 2011 - london, england

"i love you, rosie."

"you what?"

before any of us could say anything else we got interrupted by alex's friend miles opening the door to the balcony.

"AL!! IT'S BEEN FOREVER MATE!" he yelled with his strong liverpool accent. alex cheered and walked over to miles. they got to talking about something or other and all of a sudden it was like i was never even there.

i felt panic grip me. i slipped back inside and went downstairs. i poured myself the strongest drink i could find at the moment and chugged it. i saw breana walking over to me.

"er, you alright ro?" she asked cautiously. i turned my head to her and nodded.

"i'm great." i replied 100% sarcastically.

"we should get you home." she said as matt approached her. i frowned a little. breana put an arm around me to guide me outside.

when we got in the car matt was sitting in the driver's seat, breana in the passenger seat and i was in the window seat in the back. i felt like a little kid again when my parents would take me home in the middle of the night from a sleepover i didn't wanna be at.

i felt tears forming in the back of my eyes and i tried to blink them back. that failed miserably. tears started streaming down my face almost instantly. i tried to be as silent as i could without bothering breana or matt.

"any music requests?" breana said and turned to me. i just shook my head. "ro, oh my god are you alright?"

"i'm fine." i tried managing a smile. breana looked at me apologetically.

when we got out of the car breana hugged me. she didn't ask me what was wrong. i guess she'd understood i didn't wanna talk about it.

"did al do something dumb?" matt asked me. he was leaning on the hood of the car outside my house.

"sort of?" i shrugged. matt nodded understandingly and breana squeezed my hand a bit.

"i'll give him a talking to." matt said like he was gonna tell of a little kid. i huffed a laugh and went in my house.

i fell asleep in my bed while watching how i met your mother. i never found out how he met your mother.

march 19th, 2011 - london, england

as i was drinking the tea i made i recalled the events of last night. i groaned internally. i reached to my phone which was on the kitchen island and saw alex had texted me. multiple times.

alex !

rosie?? are you ok? where are you?

sent at 23:47

ro, please answer

sent at 23:54

where did you go?

sent at 00:03

oh god.


i was on the verge of some sort of panic attack-meltdown-thing. i couldn't deal with that.

i felt like shit for ghosting alex and dissapearing but to be fair he did almost the same thing to me.

as soon as miles came along he just forgot about me. was that all i was? was i a distraction from his real life?

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