Seven & Counting

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What was this, the seventh child this evening that she had consumed, she didn't really need to mind her weight, children often didn't put any weight on her, they were just empty calories, a snack during Halloween.


A mist spilled out of the woman completely changing her form, from what seemed to be a normal woman suddenly transformed into something else, she had fox ears on her head, fluffy tail swishing slowly back and forth behind her and a lazy grin adorned her face.

"Really, who invented this holiday, knocking on stranger’s doors asking for candy"


"I don't really mind tho, more snacks for me."

She sat down on the couch, this wasn't even her house, she had consumed the owner earlier today and taken her form, kids were so stupid, they knew the face of her victim and got fooled into entering the house.


Now all that was left of the woman was a stinker in her own toilet, just remembering the moment she dropped off the girl makes her fluffy ears flap a bit, it was a nice memory but ultimately one she would forget sooner or later.


The sudden scream coming from her belly was such a nice feeling, the kid inside breaking down nicely to allow another child to enter at a later date, truly Halloween must be the best holiday.The kitsune spent the next couple minutes melting down the brat into nothing but her next bowel movement, it didn't take long, the child never quit thrashing around in there.

"Thanks for the meal brat, you don't mind company do y-"

*Knock* *Knock*

"Trick or treat"

She licks her lips, seems like her next meal came just in time.

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